Sunday, August 12, 2018


This week has come and gone, and another successful, VERY QUICK trip to the cabin... and I mean, VERY, VERY QUICK.... we left Sunday morning at about 8:30 am, and made it back to Provo, at 9:30 pm... and please remember, this is a 4 hour trip - one way!

Jim and I have been married 11 years, and in those 11 years, I thought that we were reasonably decent communicators.. But, this week, it was proved that our communication skills were a little on the lacking side - and I am not going to place blame on either side, but, let's just say, what one person said, was not what the other person heard.

Jim had told me on Tuesday morning, that he wanted me to go and pick up some light bulbs... He told me where to pick them up and what they would cost, $37.  So, I left for work a little earlier than I normally would, got to the place, paid the money, and asked the guy where they were.  He told me that they were outside... leaning up against the building...  (Inside my head, I'm going..."Leaning up against the building..?")  I go outside, and there is a pile of lights, but they are 4' industrial fluorescent fixtures.. I'm like.. ummm, 25 of these? ...  I go back into the building, and confirm what I am supposed to pick up from the cashier.. He says that, there are 25 of them, and they are mine... I am about to have heart failure.  I call Jim on his cell phone - no answer.. I call Jim on his desk phone - no answer.  I finally leave him a message that just says, "Jim, call me, like NOW".  I'm driving my van, so I figure that someway, I'm supposed to get them into the van....  they are not particularly light, and VERY awkward... I back the van up to the stack of lights, and I got 15 in the back of the van, with the seats all pulled down...  I am in a total sweat, and off to work I go.

About 10 minutes after I get to work, Jim calls me, and I explain the situation to him.. and he calmly says, "I didn't say they were light bulbs, I said they were light fixtures.. and I didn't say you had to pick them up, I just asked you to pay for them... I wrote the guy and said you'd pay for them and I'd pick them up tomorrow.... " Grrrrrr...

OK, on to better things. . . . Several months ago, I was looking for bookmatched wood planks.  I wanted to have a huge table made out of this ... I looked everywhere, and contacted everyone and couldn't find anyone in Utah that had something like this from a sawmill.  Well, a couple of weeks ago, I saw an advertisement from a guy in Salt Lake, selling EXACTLY what I wanted.  The only problem is, we already bought the table... Well, Jim and I decided to go and look at the wood, anyways... And, this guy really has some beautiful pieces.  We decided, that we wouldn't use the wood for a table, but we would use it as a "barn" type sliding door for the upstairs bathroom... that's the type that doesn't swing open, but, the fixture is on the top and it slides to the side.  The pieces we bought are Russian Elm.  I think these pieces are going to look amazing.  If you flip the right one over, it matches the one on the left.  The right one is what you'll see from inside the bathroom.

As I just said, we already bought a large table, and the main reason for going to the cabin this weekend, was to drop off the table.  It's huge, and it's beautiful, 9 feet long and seats 10 people.  Jim was going to go down by himself on Saturday morning, BUT, I checked the weather report just before he left, and it said there was an 80% chance of heavy rainstorms all during the night.  Because the table is on a trailer, if it spent the night outside, it would be totally ruined.  So, our plans changed.

I didn't get a picture of it, but all those "light bulbs" that I picked up, were tucked under the table for the trip down south.

And, this is where the table ended up. the dining area in front of the bay window.  The carpet I had picked out, doesn't quite fit.  This is a 8' rug, and I think we need something a couple of feet longer, and wider.  But, the placement of the table is exactly what I wanted... BIG HUGE IMMENSE, big thanks to Jim and our neighbour's Ron and Mary Horton for helping get this big boy into the house...  Do you remember us talking about two planks laid over Galt's Gulch..?  Yep, that's what they carried the table over - balancing it, while walking on two wobbly planks.... with Jim walking backwards...  talk about nervous... Couldn't take a picture.

We are putting a few pieces of furniture in the cabin - just so it's a little liveable, while we are working.  We find that we work a little bit, and take a little break, and then work a little bit.. and the sequence repeats itself.. So, these couches, are exactly what we need - in amongst ladders and nail guns and a little bit of everything... it's our place....

This has nothing to do with the cabin, but it made me laugh.. On Thursday, I got a little picture in my e-mail from Coy...He's a robot.

So, this is what I sent back to him...

I think he got a kick out of it!!  Giggle...

Another successful trip, and another amazing adventure...

Jim and Cheri

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