Monday, August 6, 2018

OMG OMG OMG... I have a kitchen!!!

Ok, people.. this might not look like much to you, but to ME, this is better than Christmas, sex, birthdays and kisses,  all rolled into one!  So, that's pretty impressive!  I don't do camping, or glamping, or any of those "live like a hobo" kind of activities, so going to the cabin, and even trying to make a sandwich has been more than I want to be involved in.  Jim is very aware of this, so this weekend, at the cabin, he put in a little makeshift kitchen for me... complete with a little refrigerator, hot pot, cupboard space AND a radio.  Anybody who knows me,  knows that I just can't do anything in the kitchen without the music blaring - so, this is an extra plus.  Jim sent this picture to me before he even got home, and I actually screamed when I saw it!  VERY EXCITING. I believe this kitchen is going to in the end move downstairs where we are planning a little living area, with a kitchenette, bathroom/bedroom... But, for now, this is amazing! I was thinking that this reminds me of when my parents were building our house in Brampton - we moved into kind of primitive conditions, but Dad put in a quasi kind of kitchen, so mom could at least put meals together for us.. didn't help her cooking any, but, I remember dad putting in a couple of counters... but, never a table... I don't know why...  The table was in another room...  memories...  Thank you Jim for my kitchen..... you know me well.  Jim just said "Wait till you see the table!"

As you can see, it was a VERY BEAUTIFUL day to be at the cabin.  Jim was absolutely amazed - he kept saying how perfect the weather was.  It is an incredible view.

The project that Jim has been working on the last couple of weeks, has been the stairs..first of all from the basement to the main level, and then the main level to the loft.  Well, the stairs are all finished, and we can now go from the main level to the loft... and it looks incredible...  Jim has done an incredible job!!!  I know this next line is going to make me sound like Brianne and Bradley's great grandma Annie - typical southern grandma...  whenever something was pretty wonderful, she used to say, "I'm so proud"... and now, I'm saying the same thing...  It looks amazing.

And, with the stairs put in, Jim put a couple of chairs in the loft so it can start to have a "homey" kind of feel... I love it.

And, now that we could get up to the loft, it was time to fix the door... The builder, well let's just say, he wasn't having a good day when he put the framing in... the place for this door was lopsided and we couldn't get the door in properly.  Jim jammed the door in last fall, just so we could get the cabin closed up and winterized... but, this summer, it came out, the hole was recut, and the door was re-installed...  whole lot better..  This door will open up to a little balcony, and I imagine eating breakfast out there in the mornings.. reading the newspaper.. eating a croissant...  ok, it's a dream.. Jim already broke the bubble on that dream telling me that there is no newspaper delivery where we are...  but, I can still dream... I went out on Saturday, and bought a set of dishes just for eating breakfast here...  When I told Jim about it, he just looked at me with "that" stare..  Ladies - you know the stare...  uhuh.. we all do.. The plates are really simple, but they have a rooster on them, with the word "Bonjour"...  get over it, Jim!!!

Seriously... isn't this the cutest set?  Jim just said "Really?"

Look... the door fits!

Here's a view from the loft, looking towards the prow.. I love it.

Jim brought the love seat from the basement up to the main level, which makes this room start to look like an actual living room! There was a large workbench in the middle of this room, and, presto - it's gone!!  This is one amazing man...  He has worked so hard on those stairs all weekend, but took time to add a couple of touches that makes this wife... very happy.

The work on the 2nd glass piece goes on...This is by far one of the hardest pieces I've ever made... It is so wide, that I have to lean over, at a really strange angle to get the pieces in... and then, I have this terrible pain in my shoulders and hips, afterwards.. But, I think the two pieces are going to look fabulous together in my bathroom...

Again, the adventure continues.... the amazing adventure goes forward...  We are blessed.

Jim and Cheri


  1. Cheri & Jim,
    So excited for you both. Only a handful of folks can say they built their retirement home. And, it’s looking fabulous!
    Shel & Steve

    1. Shelene: Thank you so much... it's an adventure, to say the least... When it's done, you MUST come visit us... you'll absolutely love Bryce Canyon... Cheri
