Friday, August 24, 2018


As I go to write this weekly blog, I always start to think several things... First of all, is this going to be boring, and then, do I have enough information to really warrant a blog update, and then, finally, do I have interesting pictures to support an update.  This week, there is so much information, I don't know where to start! So, here goes....

If you follow our blog, you'll know that several weeks ago, we purchased a table that seats 10 people.  I was totally excited for this purchase - I've always had it in my head that I wanted a huge table that could seat the whole family! Well, this week, we found the chairs that matched the table!  

These are ladder back chairs, made by the Hunt County Furniture company that was started in 1926.  They are antique and not reproduction.  I am not sure what year these chairs were made, as there is no date markings on them, only this information on the underside of one of the chairs.

We purchased them from a dealer in Salt Lake...  This is how they were set up when we got there..

And, this is how they were transported down to the cabin..  I was thinking that these chairs were like beautiful little old ladies... beautiful, elegant, fragile, and each with their own story to tell.  Jim told me when he pulled in for gas some guy walked up and asked "how old are they?" and Jim replied we don't know we just bought them yesterday.  Then when he stopped for dinner later another person responded "nice chairs, wanna sell them?"  I guess they get attention.

The 2nd piece we bought, at the same time that we bought the chairs, was a corner chair.  I loved this piece because of how different it was - not quite sure where we're going to put it, but I love it.  The urban legend is that soldiers who wore swords on their dress uniforms, would sit in chairs like this, so that they didn't have to take their swords off..  Don't know for sure, but, it's a great story!

When you turn off Hwy 89 into Bryce Woodlands Drive, there is always some kind of welcoming party - sometimes it's deer, sometimes jackrabbits, sometimes a bear  (well only once in the history of Bryce Woodlands, but it was 2017) ... This weekend it was... COWS!

Oh, come on... you know you saw this picture and went, "Moooo!"

With the table and chairs in place, Jim decided to set up a little more of the livingroom... This is a temporary livingroom, like the kitchen, but, it will make it a little more "homey" .. I don't think he particularly does it for him, but for me... I really like going and there is some semblance of living...

The chair/couch/lounge to the left will be going up into the loft... Like I said, some of this is temporary.

Jim said that every time he goes to the cabin, he wants to see actual changes - like stairs being built, or the deck being worked on, or siding going up.  This weekend, it was electrical.  Jim got the light fixture wired in the kitchen, and cans put into the ceiling.  Jim knows that not having enough light in the kitchen, just about pushes me over the edge.  So, this kitchen will be well lit!!!  I love it.

 I believe Jim said that he will be putting 3 more cans in the ceiling and a 2nd central light fixture like this one into the kitchen.. BUT, we need to wait to install them because we aren't quite sure of the position of the island yet. When that is decided, I'm sure they will go up.  We have to figure out where to put the refrigerator, and the antique stove also.  The regular cooktop and oven will go into the island - but, we're still up in the air with the others.

With the stairs being completed (Jim is so freakin' proud of this accomplishment - he has mentioned it a couple of times, and even had a little tiny grin.. tiny... ) he decided to put up some railings, so his clutzie wife has something to hold onto when I go up into the loft..  I am not particularly co-ordinated, to say the least... (There was a blurb on facebook this week, and it was praising all the women who can walk in stiletto heels and not fall over...  because, I am one of the women who trips wearing flipflops..)

As we've mentioned many times before, the scenery is amazing.  Jim took this shot on Friday night - it's amazing, and mysterious... beautiful!  This shot is actually of "Cheri's Heart"... but, at a weird angle, so the heart is skewed...

Ok.. this next picture cracks me up.  In Hatch, Utah, which has a really, really small population (131), there is a bar, named the Outlaw.  It's only been open a year or so.  The best thing about this bar, is that it has a really decent restaurant.  So, people go to have dinner, not particularly to drink...In fact, this bar, doesn't have a "full bar" list of alcohols, so you are really limited...  Giggle... I know... Well, Jim goes there on Saturday night, to have dinner....  The food is great, but, even though this is the height of tourist season, it's not really a really rockin' place, five people in the place... Giggle.

But, it has really good food!!!

JIM:  I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU SENT ME THIS PICTURE... SO, YOU'LL NEED TO ADD THE TEXT TO THIS ONE... OK, he's edited here, the white space on either side of the ridge beam is an open space (hole) to the outside.  This is where the birds have come in.  The problem is, that open hole is 24 feet above the floor in the living room.  So we have to buy or rent scaffolding to get up there and plug it up.  This will have to happen before the snow flies.

While Jim was working tirelessly on the cabin, I was back in Provo - kinda hangin' out...  But, I found a set of drinking glasses from the 50's, with a wheat pattern on them... and, I think they would look amazing on that 10' table...  My mother always said that in Ukrainian culture, "wheat" is considered the staff of life... I have always had wheat in my kitchen, so that my "apron will always be full".  This glasses are in remembrance of my mother, and my grandmother, Zinovia, who incidentally, baked the best bread on the face of the earth..

And, finally... while I was kickin' around, doing nothing.... I completed the flowers on my stained glass project.  I had this idea that I wanted the whole panel to be completed by this coming Wednesday.. not gonna happen... But, in the next week or so, it should be done and taken to the Glass shop for insulating and framing... Here's the individual sunflower that I completed, and....

..... here's an overall of the project.

As you probably don't know.. I love Pooh Bear and Snoopy... This week, which was a revelation to me, someone suggested that Pooh Bear was a girl...  her first name is Winnie...  Um...  still trying to get over that one... Anyways, I saw this little blurb with Pooh Bear and it just summed up Jim and I..."A grand adventure was about to begin when we met"... and it has...

 Here's my advice:  Take a chance; go out on a limb; live the dreams that are in your heart...  don't die with your dreams still inside you...

OUR grand adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri


  1. So wonderful to watch your dream cabin being built. What a wonderful adventure you two are on. xo

  2. You should write a book you make everything you type so awesome and wonderful to read! So happy for you both. It’s really coming along well. Far cry from the start of it all. Lots of memories in the future. Wtg xxoo

  3. Love your new antique high back chairs Cheri and Jim! It would be cool if you could find out the year they were made! I remember in the 1980's when I was married the first time, my in-laws had a ski chalet with a huge table like the one you have. I loved it and I love yours. It is so great to be able to fit everyone in the family around it for meals or even games! All of the photos you posted are wonderful ....I feel like I am there. The view with the mountains and the cows close by is beautiful. You both are very blessed. I am so happy for you! Anne
