Sunday, September 15, 2019

Feelin' a little... batty!!!

...building a cabin on the top of a mountain has us surrounded with all kinds of wildlife and we have really enjoyed some of them... Seeing herds of deer first thing in the morning, and cougars, and prairie dogs has really been interesting and fun... But, this weekend, we were introduced to a little creature we weren't expecting...  He doesn't say much, but has truly made an impression!!!

I've decided to call him "The Count" and he's sleeping in the ceiling joist of the main floor bathroom... He doesn't say much during the day - actually, he thinks he's hiding, BUT, at night he takes up living in the family room...Jim says that he might have come in when the cabin was opened up on Friday night, but they don't know for sure... Apparently, The Count likes the place, but doesn't know how to get out, or doesn't want to...  So, I guess, you could say, we're feeling a little... batty...

Whenever we are driving back from the cabin, we always stop in Fillmore, to fill the truck up with gas and get a bite to eat.  There are a couple of restaurants there... a Burger King, a Costa Vida, and a Chinese restaurant... The Burger King is the worst Burger King restaurant on the face of the earth... If you go through the drive thru... that is, if it's actually open, and they actually have the grill working, if you order a single burger, it will take at least 15 minutes to get, and there is always something wrong... If you ask for no onions, you will always get onion... if you ask for extra pickles, you get no pickles.  Jim and our plumber went through the drive thru last week, and this is what Jim got... a cooked beef patty, and the bun was burned black...  Seriously....Talk about flame kissed!

This has been the 2nd weekend that Jim and our plumber have spent the weekend at the cabin working, working, working...  I was talking to him this evening, and told him that he's in our blog, and he said that as long as I describe him as studly, incredibly handsome and muscular like Arnold Schwarzenegger, then it's OK... He's an amazing journeyman plumber and his expertise is more than appreciated.  Jim says he's never worked so hard in all his life trying to stay ahead of him, but the job is getting done amazingly well, and it's wonderful..

Jim and our plumber have been drilling holes in the floor and the ceiling so that plumbing pipes can fit through. Jim is totally covered in saw dust, and the pipes are covered.. At one point, while they were pulling the pipes through, Jim asked out plumber how you keep the saw dust out of the pipes... and, the reply was, "put a glove over the end"...  so, hey.. Jim followed orders..  

... and, here's my sweetie taking a selfie... covered in sawdust..  love this man!

You know, everybody has different opinions, whether they are political, or religious, or educational or horticultural... really doesn't matter... But, in this little Canadian girl's opinion... plumbing is about the sexiest thing on the face of the earth, at this point in my life...This first picture is how things started out at the beginning of the weekend.....

..and this is how they looked at the end of the weekend... it's brilliant and so amazing!!!

 I sent this picture to Bradley, and he told me that it's a really "crappy" job... giggle...  (Plumbers jokes...)

Apart from my husband, this is the sexiest thing I've seen in a really LONG time!!!

This next picture is the main floor bathroom and the wall has gone in to show where the shower is going to go...I am thrilled to think - shower...

Here's another shot of it!! The shower is on the left.

All I can say is... plumbers rock!  (Although, I really love our electrician... giggle)

And, there is another fire blazing in Cedar Breaks.  It's about 45 minutes away, but it seems that every summer, there is some kind of wild fire. Concerns me.

And, last, but not least, the welcoming committee was out in full force.  Jim says that they must have seen about 20 deer on the way out of the property Saturday morning at 7:30.  They are beautiful creatures...except when they eat my spring bulbs..  then, I'm thinking.. venison, jerky, etc.

I'm glad my Jim is home tonight, safe and sound.  I am glad the plumbing is going in, although I miss him terribly when he's gone.  And, this weekend, I haven't been feeling especially well, and I get a little weepy... So, I'm glad he's back.  But I won't take pain pills!

The adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

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