Sunday, September 22, 2019

I must admit... plumbing is super sexy.... just sayin'...

To start out with, I want to say that "The Count" did not leave... he's taken up residence.... must be because Halloween is coming up, or something like that... don't know.. But, on Saturday night, Jim and our plumber friend were sitting in the living room chatting, and guess who flew by wanting to join in the conversation... The Count.. Giggle... Then he disappeared for the rest of the weekend. There must be a teeny tiny little coffin somewhere...

Apparently, a squirrel came into the cabin for a quick visit with the bat.  Jim said he saw his fluffy little tail go by and then chased him out of the cabin, and down the deck and he climbed up a tree to escape...  I'm surprised Jim didn't climb the tree to get him, but, alas, Jim didn't.. giggle..

OK, so, onto the cabin... this is a picture of dual shower faucets.  We will have dual rain shower heads coming out of the ceiling in the main level bathroom.  I think I've died and gone to heaven.  One stained glass window is in the shower and one is outside to the right of the shower in the bathroom.

And this is the internals and externals of a hose bib out on my deck so I can water flowers that will be in my ceramic pot collection.  When Jim told me I could water flowers, my first thought was to those stupid deer that ate 100's of "deer resistant" bulbs that I planted several years ago... Uhuh... water flowers - that's if the deer give my flowers a chance to actually grow..


Up in the ceiling of the main kitchen is all the piping for the loft bathroom.  I can't wait to see the water turned on.  Jim has this plumbing design idea that if someone's in the loft showering and if water is turned on elsewhere they will not feel the water change temperature... have you ever been in the shower and someone flushes the toilet... and the water either goes scalding hot, or ice cold????  This will stop that from happening...

Jim and the plumber got up and went into town for breakfast, and this smattering of blick was found in the bottom of Jim's cup...  $4.00 for this even!  Um... I sure hope this isn't a forever kind of thing.. makes it a little unappetizing... maybe they were trying to put a little fiber in Jim's diet...  I'd rather eat cauliflower...

Jim said that you aren't really working unless you have wood splinters in your fingers... lots and lots of wood splinters... poor thing always comes up with a couple of Band-aids on his fingers..

The adventure will continue next week when they test the whole plumbing system for leaks.  Then the county building department inspection..... getting close to running water and flush toilets!!!

Jim has been gone the past three weekends, and has a couple more weekends to go before the plumbing and the electrical is finished... I miss him...I miss our weekends together...

The adventure continues.

Jim & Cheri

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