Monday, October 7, 2019

Sigh... Much Needed Break!

Oh my goodness.. we finally got a much needed break... We stayed home this past weekend - recovering from both of us having the flu, and exhaustion... not on my part, but mostly on Jim's.  He came home last Monday night, and was so sick... has taken him a couple of days to recover.  I suggested that we go to Bryce and take a load of stuff down from our storage building - even if it was a quick trip, but we finally decided against it, just because Jim needed the rest. 

BUT, we did go shopping on Saturday and found a couple of pieces that I thought were amazing.  First of all, we found this amazing lamp - not sure where we are going to put it, but it has a Frank Lloyd Wright look to it (one of my favourites) and I love it.

The second piece we found was this chair - kind of art deco, and the carving and intricate design really intrigued me.  I was thrilled we found it, and I think it is going to be a beautiful addition to our cabin.  Again, not sure where it is going to go - maybe a bedroom, but not sure at this point.  Jim and I both love it... It needs a little love, but I think it's going to turn out amazing!

Apart from a lot of rest, we had an amazing weekend, and the very aggressive list we had of things to do this summer, is little by little, being accomplished.

As a parting note.. I was thinking that we have quite a few teachers and educators who read this blog - makes me a little nervous.  I am not a professional writer, or an English major - I write as I think and how I feel.  So, I'm sorry if my writing or punctuation isn't quite to par - it's just me... and I really don't think it's going to change any time soon!!!  Giggle.

The adventure continues - Jim and Cheri

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