Wednesday, October 23, 2019

I finally made it back!!!

Such an eventful week...

This is the first visit I have made to the cabin since the springtime.... and, it actually was kind of exciting.  Jim and I took a load of cabinets down - these are for the kitchen in the basement - and we both realized, they are really really heavy... But, I was just excited to be making the trip!!

Every time we make the trip, we pack the truck chuck full of everything, including the backseat and the bed.  It makes it a little difficult to see out the rear view mirror, but I am determined to empty out at least one of the storage buildings by the end of the year... The largest one is about half way empty - so, I'm feeling hopeful.

I'm always looking for fun things for the cabin, and this week, I stumbled on this cute checker board...But, the cutest of all, is the checkers pieces - mooses and trees.... Jim and I both thought it was cute - Jim suggested we find squirrels and replace the trees, but, um....  I guess we can look...  giggle.

Jim's big project this weekend was to work a little more on the siding.  There is so much still to do, and it is so time consuming.  He was finishing the siding around my stained glass getting it all ready for the winter to blow in...

..and here's the finished product!!  Well, so far anyway.

Because I haven't been there in months, I was really pleasantly surprised to see all the little things that have been finished, that I didn't know were in process... This is one of the night lights that are in the front of the hearth... the covering is that translucent honey quartz rock that will cover the rest of the hearth and the wall behind it.  With the light behind the rock, it gives off this beautiful, warm colour.. It really appeals to me.

This is one thing I didn't know went up - this light fixture with the deer antlers is above the landing in the staircase going to the basement.  I kinda like it... It's a good fit for the staircase...I knew we had bought these fixtures, but didn't really know where we would put them...  Jim made an excellent choice... it's on the way to the "man cave".  If it had showed up in my bedroom, I would have complained, but this is perfect.

And, just as we were packing up to leave, Jim pulls out this bucket of tools and put them in the living room... MY TRICK OR TREAT BASKET IS NOW A TOOL BOX!!  When I mentioned this to Jim, he just kind of grinned at me, and went "Trick or Treat"!  What a brat.  He says it's the perfect size for "stuff"...  That stuff was supposed to be candy, but I guess this is "guy candy"...  I'm actually glad he's put it to good use!  But, he's still a brat...

One the way home on Sunday afternoon, the sunset was just beautiful..  this picture does not do it justice.. The horizon was this amazing, vivid orange colour.  It was breathtaking, and the picture taken with my cell phone just didn't do it justice.  It was warm and calming, and the type of sunset where you sit on the porch with your sweetheart and just hold hands.. I am looking forward to these types of moments...

Although I didn't do a whole lot of work as my endurance and stamina level is just not where it should be yet, it was nice to see the progress that has been made in my absence - it's like we're one step closer to moving in - still a long way to go, but closer.  Jim, however, is working himself silly, and the fruits of his efforts, are beautiful.

I am glad to be alive, glad to have Jim by my side - he is my rock and my support and my heart...I'm having my moments, but, just like this afternoon, when I was struggling, he was quick to say, "Do you need a hug?" and I did... He's amazing, as well as cuddly... and he smells good.. and, is cute... and, maybe I should stop right here.... giggle.

And, as always, the adventure continues.
Jim and Cheri

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