Monday, May 11, 2020


In my attempt to thwart the deer from eating my flowers and trees, I found out this past week, that the deer spray does not work, so we're going to go back to the drawing board. We've had some suggestions on how to eliminate them... human hair scattered around - although I don't know how I would get that much human hair... I'd need bags and bags of it... or spraying cayenne pepper around... not a good option either. The best suggestion is just using fencing to surround the trees until they grow and get established.. That sounds about like the best suggestion.  We'll have to see...

Jim and Lowell didn't go to the cabin a week ago...... they have decided to go every other weekend...  But, I did find some brick for the patio area...  There is a house where we had family pictures taken, years ago. It was in pretty bad shape when we had the pictures taken, (but lots of personality) and finally they are now tearing it down.  But, they have this really amazing yellow brick.  Jim went and talked to the guy in charge of demolishing the building and he said I can have the brick.. So, I've been gathering a little bit here and there... This is what the house looks like at this point....

We always have a theme for our family pictures, and this year the theme is "Mad Max - Apocalypse" and this is going to be our backdrop... I think the kids are little sick of the quarantine... 'ya think.  Should be interesting.

On Friday morning Lowell went down to the cabin, a day earlier than Jim and was doing some cleanup work in the basement...  when Lowell got there, this little guy was fast asleep on the stairs.  Lowell initially thought he was dead, and tried to use a piece of wood to move his carcass outside...  When he started to get the wood under his little body, he realized that his claws were dug into the stair, and The Count was still breathing!  He was breathing, but sound asleep....

He doesn't much look like Dracula, he is dark, but not particularly handsome.

Lowell got him on the piece of wood for the trip from the steps to outside,  Dracula woke up, lifted up his head, showed his teeth (of which he has many, and they look VERY sharp) and hissed at Lowell. Apparently, he did not want his sleep interrupted.  I think it's safe to say that he is NOT a morning person, and definitely needs his beauty sleep.

In talking to Lowell, neither one of us knew that bats hiss... This cowgirl is glad she wasn't there...!  I just wonder, what was God thinking when he made bats?.... wings/fur/fangs/claws/nocturnal/eats bugs...wierd

The work on the deck continues, and I think it's looking amazing.  Jim and Lowell are doing amazing work with the covered roof! you a little dimension here...

When Lowell got to the cabin on Friday, the first thing he tackled with the huge pile of lumber in the basement.  It has been there for years and was in the way.  He picked it all up and put it in the Con-ex.  You can't imagine how packed this room was.  When I first saw this picture, I was totally, totally amazed.... couldn't believe it was the same room!

Here's what it looked like before......

...and after....  amazing.

On Saturday, the boys had a visitor... Ken, the census taker came by to include us in the US Census.  Our address was listed as an inhabited home...  We received the census information at the house in Provo, but, haven't filled it out yet. Jim said he is going to fill it out.. So, they got Ken to show the cabin as not a finished home, and nobody lives there... Cracks me up that this guy actually had the cabin listed...

With Jim taking Lowell going to the cabin on weekends (and may I add, he's a tremendous help and a great worker.... Jim and I are both thankful for the help!)  Jim is introducing Lowell to all the places we have been visiting over the last 8 years and meeting people we now consider family.  This weekend, Lowell met Jody!  Jody used to work at the "Flying M" which was a restaurant in Panguitch - now sold.  She now works at The Rambler.  Jody is someone you would never forget... known for her loving heart, sweet nature, and so generous with compliments...  Giggle... Jody tells it like it is with a heapin' helpin' dose of sarcasm... and, we couldn't love her more!

Jim also took Lowell to the Galaxy Cafe in Hatch...  Also, an interesting cafe with personality plus...  The Galaxy has a motel to the back of it, that is Harley Davidson themed..  

Jim and I have stayed at this motel, just once...  just once...

So our adventure is expanding to include others . . .

Jim & Cheri

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