Monday, May 25, 2020


I can't explain how amazing the Memorial Day weekend was... probably largely due to the company we were keeping - Brianne, Lowell and Coy came to spend the three days with us at the cabin, and it was fabulous.  These pictures were taken on Sunday night, making Smores on the fire-pit, and they are some of my favourites...  So, I am starting this blog, with my favourites....

..makes this mama's heart happy when there are smiles and lots of laughing... and lots of relaxation...

But, let's get down to the heart of the blog.. there is so much to report, I really had a hard time deciding where to share...

As you probably understood by now, Coy visited with all his enthusiasm and joy of life... the whole adventure started in Scipio, Utah when Bri and Lowell filled up with gas in their vehicle...  There is a little petting zoo there, and Coy got to see a camel, and peacocks and various exotic and regular farm animals.. It was fun for him - his own little adventure.

As we were heading south towards Bryce, all of a sudden, all traffic just stopped.  Bri and Lowell were ahead of us by a few minutes, and we told them that we were in a traffic jam. Bri told me they were in the same jam, but, they could see highway patrol ahead.  When traffic finally started to move, there was a pick up truck that was hauling a boat, and somehow, the boat came off the trailer.  Didn't look healthy - big gouges in the road, and damage to the boat.  What a way to start off their long weekend!

I am not sure Coy knew what to expect at the cabin, but after a couple of minutes of settling in, he was running and jumping and just enjoying the whole experience.  It was amazing just watching him run and be a carefree little kid.

Saturday night was pizza night at the C-Stop Restaurant in Panguitch.  We ordered a Mediterranean pizza, and it was absolutely delish.  I'd never had it before, but it was all that and more than I expected... Coy enjoyed his mozzarella sticks and apple juice.

Way too early Sunday morning, we had a little knock at our door, and there stood a little red headed boy - come to visit Nana and Papa...  Of course, we weren't ready, but he sure was!  After a few jumps on the hotel room bed...

... Then he settled in to watch cartoons...  Giggle... Totally cracks me up..

Brianne's main job this weekend was to check out the furniture and decide which was the best to sleep on...  I think she decided that the love seat was the most comfortable... Giggle...She laid down, and immediately I had this idea that she needed a blanket - was a mom thing kicking in...  I was glad that she was getting some much needed rest.

Saturday was the first day in a long time that we broke out the four wheelers and took them for a drive.  Coy and Lowell had a blast... 

Jim was the guide showing Lowell, Brianne and Coy where potential trails would be.  They tried to find the trail that would go from the cabin over the mountain to Bryce Canyon, but couldn't find it.  I am sure that before long, Lowell and the gang will be back, looking for that sneaky trail.  

There's Lowell and Brianne going off for a spin.  

Here's Brianne checking out the couch in the living room... The couch is really comfortable, but I still think she prefers the love seat... Such a busy day.

Sunday night was the fire-pit and Smores!  We decided last minute to have Smores, and, finding marshmallows in Panguitch on a Sunday is next to impossible... I think we had to go to three different stores to find the marshmallows and we got the last bag, was pretty easy to find a chocolate bar, and we couldn't find graham crackers at all... BUT, Jim found shortbread cookies, and they worked perfectly!  When the sun goes down, it gets pretty cold, so we wrapped,Coy up in a blanket, and plopped him in front of the fire to keep him warm....

Lowell pulled out the little bench with the animals on the back, and Coy thought it was absolutely the perfect size for him.... And, thought the little animals were amazing.

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Lowell set up the fire-pit area, complete with chairs and benches for everyone to sit on... even though some of us preferred to stand closer to the fire.

There was a discussion of how brown the marshmallows are supposed to get before you make Smores... some of us like them lightly toasted, while other like them charred into oblivion... Doesn't this discussion happen every time Smores are made over a fire?

Image may contain: fire and night

Coy was really wanting a "coon skin cap" while we were in Panguitch, so of course, Grandma obliged him.  He looked so cute... with his cap over his dinosaur hoodie!  He was quite proud of the look!  Giggle.

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Here's Jim relaxing in the grandfather's chair... I think that chair is Papa's favourite.

And, apparently, Lowell and Coy like the Grandfather's chair also.  
I didn't know who would be the first to sit with a child and read a story, while sitting in this amazing chair, and Lowell and Coy are the winners.  And, they proved, the chair fits one adult and one child perfectly.

..nice relaxing time in the sunshine...

Lowell took Coy for a 4-wheeler ride on Monday morning, and went up the mountain, all the way to the top.  When they took a break, they could see the roof of our cabin.. Coy had to point it out.. Coy, at one point, asked me who the cabin belonged to, and I told him that it was Papa's cabin.. he looked at me, with his impish little grin, and said, "From now on, it's not his cabin, it's OUR cabin"... So, I think Coy kinda likes it.  He also told me the difference between a house and a home... A house is just a building, but a home is a place where there is love...  he's so right.

The roads around the cabin are.. dusty... really, really dusty... Here's Brianne's car - it's actually a black car, but it sure looks beige here.  Brianne was talking about driving through a car wash before they got back home.  Don't know if they actually did, but it sure was dirty!  Cabin life!

Memorial Day (Monday) started with breakfast at the Galaxy Diner in Hatch... Jim and I have been going to the Galaxy for years, but this was the first time since this whole Corona pandemic thing that we've been back... Was kind of strange - everybody is still taking major precautions to stay healthy...

Look at those hungry mugs!  We need FOOD!

One of the activities I had for Coy was to put together the bird feeder, fill it with seeds and hang it in a tree.  He was looking forward to seeing birds.  Well, instead of the birds, it was the chipmunks who had a feast.  In one morning, they had completely emptied the feeder!  It was fun watching the chipmunks have a treat.  Maybe next time, the birds will get a  crumb or two.

Another of the projects Jim and Lowell were working on was getting the stove and the in-wall oven in their proper places.  They got the stove where it's planned (that's the appliance on the left).  I love this stove - just looks perfect in the cabin.  It's actually modern made, but made to look old.  The oven on the right was the previous choice before I saw the new choice. . .

The second oven part is going in the wall by the pantry, and Jim had to construct a little framing to get it into place.  The first thing was to clear the area so that the pantry door and an in-wall shelf can go in...  The desk to the left in this picture, is Jim's workbench and before the start it fit into the pantry space nicely...

Here's the pantry door... I think it's so cute!  And, of course, here's my Jim... I kinda think he's cute also..

The door frame is now roughed in!!

The tricky part was getting the oven up high enough to put it onto the shelf.  Bri, Coy and Lowell left for home around 3:00 and Jim and I tried to pick it up ourselves, and I just didn't have the strength to heave ho...  So, we had this idea to put blocks underneath to give it a little height....  Um...

It was coming along really quite well, until it got unstable and the blocks fell over.  So, we walked away from this adventure and hopefully, when the boys go back this next weekend, they'll be able to lift it up into place...

Coy drew me a picture...  We have this great lack of drawing paper at the cabin... He improvised... I think he drew a picture of me...  Wow.. I haven't had dark hair in years, but I like it!

We have had several visitors to the cabin over the years... Our first visitor was Mahayla... our next visitors were Brad and his family who came for a weekend.. When they visited, there was nothing built and I don't even think the foundation was poured.  And, it was pouring rain...  Four wheeling in the mud was memorable..  Next, my brother Bart and his family came to visit, and this is what they saw...  We had a BBQ in the basement with bacon wrapped corn (Grace thinks this is the best!)  My sister in law, Jackie, sent this picture from when they visited, and it's amazing how it has changed now.  

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..we've now got two stories above!

We have scheduled the water company to bring the water to the cabin from across the street, and they say they will get to it in about a month!  I am so stoked... 

And, this is what made the whole weekend amazing...  Happy people.. happy family...lots of smiles...lots of laughs... lots of fun... lots of relaxation.  I couldn't have asked for more.

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Look at them smiles...  makes a mama's heart happy.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Lowell Hurst, hat and closeup

The adventure continues.
Love, Jim and Cheri

1 comment:

  1. This will certainly be on our list if places to visit often!
