Sunday, May 3, 2020


As many of you know, there are a plethora of deer up and around the cabin... the deer and I do NOT see eye to eye...  Several years ago, Jim and I planted hundreds of bulbs up and around the cabin, in the hopes that in the spring, there would be this explosion of colour and flowers...  The anticipation grew as the weeks went by, until finally, the weekend came for Jim and I to drive up, and see our handiwork...  As we pulled up the hill, we could not see a single flower...  not. one. flower...  We took a spade and dug up the ground where the bulbs were planted, and all the bulbs were gone... the deer had not only eaten the flowers and the leaves, but pulled up the bulbs and ate them also... And, last summer, I planted some aspens around the cabin (our builder pulled out some trees and manzanita bushes) and we wanted the area covered...  I planted some aspens and some maples and a lilac tree or so... came back in a week, and they were eaten down to a nub also... So, this weekend, I went over to Cook's Greenhouses in Lindon, and explained the problem to them... And, they had a solution...  There's deer repellent and everyone says it actually works!!!  So, I bought a can, and we're gonna try it out!  I am hoping it's as good as everyone says it is...  ...staying positive!!

When Lowell heard about the issues with the deer, this is what he said, "Well, have you sat down with the deer and explained to them that what you are planting is for looking at and not for eating? It's all about communication after all. 😁🤪"

I'd like to communicate with those deer with a 3030 caliber..  Maybe they'd get the message..

A couple of weeks ago, we found this cabinet that would be perfect in the upstairs bathroom... Well, it got taken to the cabin this weekend, and put in said bathroom... and I think it looks perfect!  I am excited to fill it with thick, fluffy white towels... for little grandchildren to be wrapped in... and a thousand other uses!  Giggle...

I think the bathroom looks amazing... not even half way finished, and looks amazing!

Lowell and Jim have been working on the deck.  They are adding a covered roof to the deck to keep the snow loads off during the winter months.  Lowell removed the short railing posts that had the solar lights on them and replaced them with taller 4X4s to support the roof that's coming.  Here's a shot of the 50 foot beam they created and the first roof joist placed with only 24 more to go and then sheeting and the metal roof.  Jim and Lowell are having the time of their lives!

Jim and Lowell met with the heating and air conditioning guy on Saturday for a quote and to make plans.  This guy knows his stuff and exactly what Jim wants, and he's willing to work within the parameters that Jim has set.. Very nice guy.  We have had one bid before this, and it was so ridiculous, it was obvious that the previous guy didn't want or need the work.. That was BEFORE the pandemic hit.. Maybe he feels differently now.

And moving on, Lowell rode his motorcycle over to our house on early Saturday morning for the trip south.. But Brianne needed 2 flats of eggs from Panguitch this weekend.. My question is:  How is Lowell going to balance two flats of eggs while riding a motorcycle home.. I told him I wanted pictures...  Giggle

Another amazing adventure...  Love, Jim and Cheri

1 comment:

  1. Well, have you sat down with the deer and explained to them that what you are planting is for looking at and not for eating? It's all about communication after all. 😁🤪
