Monday, June 21, 2021

I Am Losing Faith in Humanity AND The Cabin is For The Birds!

I have decided that I am totally losing faith in humanity.  I have been so stoked all this past week thinking that the water was going to be brought to the cabin this weekend, and I would be able to have a flush toilet and be able wash with something beyond a wet wipe... only to have my hopes and faith dashed... Didn't happen this weekend, and I am totally unsure when it actually will... I'm beginning to feel like I'm going to be washing in a puddle before long... Enough of the ranting, I suppose.

But, even in my total despair, Jim has kept working on the floor in the downstairs bathroom.  This is the marble that I bought for a different project - 20 years ago.  I didn't know it still existed until Jim found it in one of our storage buildings that we were closing out... And, there was just enough of the tiles to complete this bathroom... there actually was only one tile left and a couple of scrap pieces.  It looks beautiful..

And, I have decided that Jim is turning into the bird whisperer... When he got to the cabin on Friday evening, this little guy was inside being the welcoming party.  Jim opened all the doors, hoping the little guy would get a clue and leave... But, come Saturday morning, he was still sitting - and observing.  Jim said that he started talking softly to him, and moving closer and closer, until he picked the little bird up, and took him outside.. and he flew off.  Maybe this is what should have happened in Hitchcock's "The Birds"...  would have solved a whole lot of problems.. and mess.

Several months ago, I was given the assignment of picking out the toilets and the tubs... Jim gave me specific measurements to follow along with it being a steel tub with ceramic...  This is one of the tubs I bought.  On Friday night, while Jim was working in the bathroom, he dropped a hammer in the tub and some of that beautiful ceramic was chipped...  Booboos happen... But, Jim says he can fix it, so, I'm hopeful.

Jim sent me this picture  - said that he was going to leave it in the bathroom for me, for a little reading material...  Jim knows... I read cookbooks in the bathroom..  Who needs an owner's manual for a toilet?

We didn't know there were birds at the cabin that liked to nest under our eaves until this showed up.  There was no nest, they just like to hang out there at night.  Jim broke the foam insulation off and they left the next day.  But they were not happy.  Jim said two of them sat out in a tree for about an hour just watching.

On Sunday morning, Jim opened the front door as usual - we seem to be having 100 plus degree California weather here in Utah, and we don't have air conditioning in the cabin yet so a little breeze is nice.  With the doors open, this little friend decided to say good morning.  Apparently, Jim wasn't up for visitors and showed him the door... Scared Jim when he just walked by while he was sitting on the couch eating breakfast.

And, on Sunday morning, this little girl bird decided to check out the cabin again... and, was enamored with my husband also.... she came inside, and didn't want to leave... and Jim did him Bird Whisperer number on her again... I was on the phone with Jim before he snagged her, and all I could hear in the background was her screaming for attention (chirping).  Jim said that she didn't try to bite him or peck him when he picked her up... She really was calm..  I think she's making a move on my husband, dirty finger nails and all...

And we'll end this with the usual, "the adventure continues". . . .

Jim & Cheri

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