Monday, June 28, 2021

...still wading through the weeds of cabin building.....

Well, this week, we made another trip to Coalville, Utah and picked up another load of 100+ year old bricks.  We realized while we are out there working, that it's a job that we're just not up to the challenge any longer - my knee still needs surgery and Jim's had the knee surgery last October, but it's still painful.  We got to the point of talking to the lady that we got the bricks from, Sherlyn, for a little help, and she called some family members who showed up within a couple of minutes.  Within about 30 minutes, the trailer was loaded and we were on our way.  We still need to get several more loads.  Sherlyn told us that if we bring the trailer up there and drop it off, she'll have her family members load it for us, and then call us and we can come back and pick the trailer up... Such a blessing..  I am so excited for this brick, and think it will make the whole jacuzzi patio area, complete with pizza oven,  look amazing.

I saw this plant stand online and I just had to have it.  I think it's going to look amazing outside our front door, and just bring a little pretty to that area.

When Jim arrived at the cabin he found that since he had evicted the birds from under the eaves last week, there were no birds living or dead in the house.  Who would have known they would have taken the eviction so seriously?  

Being that Utah has been hit with a crazy heat wave (Salt Lake City hit a record 107 degrees and Provo wasn't far behind), I thought I would buy Jim a very practical gift for this Father's Day... I bought him a Toshiba portable air conditioning unit.  It cools a rather small space, but I figured that if he set it up next to himself in the room he was working in, it should keep him reasonably cool... Last week was crazy hot even in Bryce  Canyon, so I am hoping this helps!  He looked reasonably happy when he pulled it out of my car - even thought he doesn't usually like pulling stuff out of my car - I am sure...  Jim is not the smily-est person on the face of the earth, so I sometimes have to guess if he likes something or not.. But, he is taking to the cabin, so that's a good sign.

This portable air conditioning unit looks really small in this picture, but it's actually about 3' tall and and 1.5' across... So, it's not tiny.  Says it cools a 350 square foot room.

Jim is still working fervently on getting the bathroom put together.  He continued levelling the floor and got half of the tiles Thinset mortared to the floor on Saturday, and then got the toilet installed today.  I had Jim check out the toilet to make sure there was plenty of room between the toilet and the tub, and he assures me that there is.  I am tired of the days of the RV where it was a truly tight fit in that bathroom... not my favorite . . .  this will be truly workable...

After moving on from the downstairs bathroom, Jim decided to work a little more on the electrics on the main level - particularly putting a light in the pantry.  I have a light in my pantry!  I have a little issue with being "night blind" and walking into dark areas is really a problem for me... So, with a light in that area, I'll be able to cook up Jim snacks late into the night, while he's watching tv...  Giggle.  I love it.  I love the ceramic light fixture, it reminds me of my parents house when I was a little girl.  Not sure this is permanent, buy it brings back great memories.

We've been calling numerous plumbers trying to find someone who can do a "hot tap" to get the water from the street to the cabin.. because it's the summertime, and the construction business is in full bloom, the one and only assurance we got is a contractor who said that he can get the water hooked up in October...  it's a little bit of a set back, but if that is the best we can do, than I guess it's the best we can do.  When Jim got home he told me the water company told him they "might" be able to hook it up in three weeks.  Here's hoping. . . .

As always, the adventure continues,

Love, Jim and Cheri

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