Friday, October 21, 2022

It's getting a little on the frosty side of life....

 With the trees changing their makeup, comes a major change in the weather, and this past weekend was... frigid...  low 70's during the day, and mid 30's at night...  Thank goodness we have an electric blanket on the bed... And, thank goodness, Jim doesn't mind me snuggling up to him.. to keep warm!!

Well, you can tell it's hockey season... Our blog always starts with hockey pictures!!!

  This one is of our Ben who is starting with the team, "Ice Mice"...  He's so excited.  My son sent me this picture and it has a little bit of sentimental significance.  This jersey that Ben is wearing, was worn about 60+ years ago by a little boy in Mimico, Ontario, Canada.. Yep, this was Jim's jersey when he was just a little "mouse" himself.  Made us smile...

And, here's our Brea (pronounced Bray-ya)... Just got her jersey and is so proud.... as are we.  This is about the happiest child on the face of the earth... always smiling, always looking at the positive side of life - and is an amazing example for a lot of adults..  

This year, Brea is wearing her first ever mouth guard... I didn't realize a mouth guard was a rite of passage for hockey players - she is sure proud of hers!

Our Coy has started playing hockey and he has his first game on Saturday... But, I didn't get a current picture this week, so just use your imagination.  His game is at 6:50 on a Saturday, in Davis County, which is in northern Utah...  6:50 AM???  Seriously.  I like to go to the games, but, I'm not even breathing at that time.... But, I did buy Coy a water bottle.. Brianne asked me if I had a water bottle that Coy could use, and this is what I came up with.... Giggle.  He actually likes it!  

The siding project is continuing  This is the front left side of the cabin.. I am thrilled that it's getting done.  We had to replace a lot of the tyvek on the cabin this year, so getting the siding on is fantastic.  it's a slow project, but Jim does an amazing job.  Here's the first couple of rows....

...and a couple more...

...almost to the top....

...and done!  The soffit and facia will attach to this part of the siding and finish it off.

Jim and I have been driving to the cabin on Thursday nights the last couple of weeks.. Thank goodness we can remote in, and get work/work done from that location.  This is the first time that Jim has set his laptop next to mine... We both got work done!  It was a little cold working outside first thing in the morning.. BUT, we realized that it was colder INSIDE the cabin than outside....  We're still working on getting the stove on the hearth functional (we have to put a hole through the roof for it to vent first) and the furnace duct work is not done yet... Two big jobs, but until that happens, this cowgirl will be staying in Provo...

Here's the first piece of piping to get the stove working.  We've been trying to figure out exactly what code is for Kane County, and are having a little problem connecting with the inspector who knows all about this stuff.  I think it's hunting season and he's... busy...In the meantime, we wait.

But, here's another piece that goes on the stove installation.  This piece goes on the top of the cabin.  I think it blows the smoke from the stove to whatever direction is opposite from how the wind blows.

And, remember how I said we had to replace tyvek...?  Well, when we showed up on Thursday night, we could see the Tyvek that was replaced just a couple of days before, had to be replaced again because the wind tore it to pieces...grrrrr.

And, this item will amuse my kids.. You know that every parent has things they cook really, really well, and a few that are complete washouts?  Well, pancakes are my washout...I can't make pancakes to save my life.  The kids used to tell me that my pancakes could be used as doorstops - so incredibly dry.  So, this past weekend, I tried just buying  a Bisquick Shake and Pour... easy, right?  Wrong...  With the elevation, I needed to add extra milk - of which I didn't know how much... Jim to the rescue... He added milk, and I think it was a little too much... Again, pancake fail. On a side note, Jim makes incredible pancakes.. some recipe he has used for years has sour cream in them, and they are absolutely delicious.  The kids used to ask him to make pancakes on Saturday or Sunday morning.  Let's just say, they NEVER asked me to make pancakes.. .I guess, they weren't that desperate.

To complete the siding on the prow side of the cabin, we had to erect scaffolding.  Well, first of all, we needed to complete enough of the deck, so that the scaffolding can be set up.  Even though we ran out of screws for the deck, there was enough to start building the scaffolding.  The scaffolding was down below the deck, so the boys used the bucket truck to hoist the pieces onto the deck.

And, here it is all ready to be built..

And, the first part is built, just ready for some poor soul to climb up and start putting the siding on.  Jim doesn't like heights, so I don't know if this job is going to go to Jim or Ben...  Ben does that mountain climbing stuff - so, I think he is less concerned than Jim is.

And, Jim installed a light fixture downstairs at the bottom of the stairs..  Going down there in the daytime isn't an issue.  It's darkER, but not pitch black.. But, at night, it gets pretty dark and maneuvering around in the dark is a bit of a challenge.  So, this was amazingly helpful.  Little by little, it's getting done.

With a little more of the deck completed, Ben and Jim put a wood protectant on the redwood, to protect it from the harsh weather that is just around the corner... One guy sprays the wood....

..and, the other smooths it out.  The redwood looks so pretty when it's wet.. It still looks pretty when it dries, but the red isn't as vivid, and that's what I like about it.

AND, we had another chipmunk caught in one of the traps this past week.  We don't have a clue where they are getting in, but apparently, we aren't the only ones - our area is having an issue and  Duck Creek is having a rodent issue also.... We've heard that chipmunks are contortionists, and can get in almost any small crack... So, Sunday, Jim was spray foaming in every single little crack and crevice he could see.  There still are some, but a lot are gone.   This picture is from the loft...

Ben and I were sitting in the livingroom, and at the top of the prow, we saw a bird poke his head through and stare at us...  He didn't come in, but was just checking out the scenery...  I guess that's another spot that needs to be foamed in.  I think all these critters are looking for a warm place to park for the winter...  Um... the "No Vacancy" sign has been put up, guys..

In lieu of Queen Elizabeth's passing, I have been reading a lot about her life and accomplishments... even though I don't like Prince Charles and his wife, I really admired the Queen.. I remember my father always sitting in front of the tv listening to her Christmas message....  I don't know if I was fascinated with her accent or her message - I guess it really doesn't matter.. But, I read this quote and I thought it was appropriate when talking about our cabin building project.  So, I leave you, this week, with a message from Queen Elizabeth II.....

"Each day is a new beginning, I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best ..."

And, with that, we start another amazing adventure...

Love, Jim and Cheri

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