Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Ok... it's only October! NO MORE SNOW!

 We start this week not with hockey players, but with a hockey player's birthday party!  It was our Ben's 6th birthday!!  And, I've posted one of my favourite pictures of Jim and I and Ben!  It shows the pride and joy that grandparents have at the birth of a grandchild!

And, here's my 2nd favourite Ben picture... Ben and his daddy... with, of course, a Toronto Maple Leaf's jersey in the picture also!  

And, even though we were not at the party, we did get a few pictures to show all the events.  Ben is on the left of the picture, beside Brad.  Ben will be starting with the Ice Mice this coming Tuesday.  I am so freakin' excited!

And, here's our Coy.  Coy had this first game on Saturday and even though his team lost 10 - 7, it was a nicely matched game, and all the kids had fun..  Coy went to hockey camp in the summer and learned a whole lot... He's doing amazingly well.

And, after seeing such cute pictures of grandkids, let's turn our thoughts to... snow... lots of snow.. in October... groan...  I had checked the weather forecast to see how cold it was going to be over the weekend, and it said that Saturday was going to be cold, but a reasonably nice day... BUT, Sunday was going to have snow flurries first thing in the morning... and, boy, were they correct!  This first picture is the road going into the property.

..and, this is going up the hill to the cabin...

And, this one shows the mud just underneath the 4 inches of snow...  

...pulling into our driveway...  It's like it gets worse every picture, I swear...

...and, our back deck... with my beautiful railings covered in freakin' snow... This is really a beautiful picture of the deck view, however...

...and my beautiful jacuzzi covered in the same freakin' snow...  You know, I always feel that I am a really crappy Canadian because I really detest snow... I hate the cold, and the wet and the heavy clothes and everything about it.. But, I really love hockey...  I think there's something seriously wrong inside my head...

Snow... I hate snow... But, I love this stove!  We are still working on getting it set up and working.  Jim says that when it will be turned on, it will generate enough heat to heat the cabin.  I can hardly wait... This layout is going to change a little bit.  Instead of the four foot silver pipe with the curve at the top, it's going to be a three foot black pipe with the curve at the top.  I feel the pipe is too close to the stained glass acorn at the top of the stairs.  I would like a little more room between the stove pipes and the light fixture...  Jim agrees.

Jim has also been working on getting the furnace installed... He worked downstairs on the furnace, but also put the thermostat in... And, as you can see, it's a whopping 44 degrees...

I was out running around on Saturday, and found these drawer pulls that I think are going to look beautiful in the sink cabinet in the main floor bathroom... I am in the process of trying to find a couple more.  I knew that the cabin had three drawers, but didn't think about a 2nd set of cabinets on the other side of the room... So, the hunt is on.  But, these pulls are really interesting.  I love them.

And, with the plethora of snow over the weekend, we decided to pull the Skidoos home to get them ready for the winter.  Our cabin is in a really strange position.  The road going in from Hwy 89 going up to the development, is in Garfield County.  BUT, the road in the development, that's in Kane County.  So, there are no taxes going to Garfield County for snow removal.  They have been really nice about plowing that road for years and years and years... But, they have now decided that they have no responsibility to plow the road, so, we don't have a way to get up to our road this winter.  At first, we were told that they would plow for one more year until we get a special services package put together, but that was not correct... So, the Skidoos came home, to be prepped for winter, and running in tip top shape, so we can park just off Hwy 89, and then Skidoo in...  It's about 5 miles from Hwy 89 to our cabin, so, this is really imperative to get this job done.

Always another adventure...  I am glad that I've been working on this blog for so many years... Otherwise, nobody would believe this story as true!

Love as always,

Jim and Cheri

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