Tuesday, February 7, 2023

.... still snowed out.... grrrrrr.... (And, this post is a little on the late side... sorry...)

Well, it's still snowing and I'm counting down the days until spring.  We were told that this year has the highest snow load ever, and we are hoping that our deck is going to survive... We've got a 4 foot drift on the deck by the front door.. We put a door camera up in the spring and it is triggering constantly with all the movement of the snow...  No animals, but lots of snow...

And, our Bryce Canyon is looking absolutely beautiful covered in snow...  how about we keep it in the canyon and away from our cabin...  don't think it's going to happen...

In last week's blog, I mentioned that we found a guy in Lehi that had a huge collection of rock - some of which I wanted incorporated into my grotto... and, it was rainy and muddy and the guy told me that we should wear boots... Well, here's the boots we bought... Unfortunately,  you can't tell which are girl boots and which are boy boots... maybe, that's why I don't like them much.  Jim loves his boots and has worn them several times now... Me... it was a one time event....

Here's some of the rock that I've picked out for the walls in the grotto.  I think these rocks, mixed with the flagstone is going to be amazing...Jim hasn't quite caught the vision yet, but I have and it's going to be amazing.

...Opalized agate

Pidgeon Blood agate

...more rocks... don't know the name of the next bunch...

Jim says it looks like coronary plaque!

This was one of my favourites...

Tiffany Stone

100 years ago, when I first got married and was moving to Texas, my father bought me a bread knife - he said he wanted me to have something to remember Ontario by.  At the same time, he bought me a corning ware pie plate and a couple of other little kitchen things.  I still have them and they have travelled with me over the past 40 years to Texas, and Idaho and Utah.  This past weekend, Jim bought me a new bread knife, as we are starting to downsize to move to Bryce.  I guess this will be my remembrance of Provo...  Still feels a little strange to me...

Here's the knife that my dad bought me... it's a little worn, and the handle is split a little, but it still works amazingly well..

And Jim found this case for me this past weekend... and, I love it.  It's from the 1940's and I  think I am going to display it in the loft bathroom.  I think it's a cosmetics case, but it is all leather on the outside and just beautiful. And, it's in beautiful condition.  I have a collection of antique mirrors and brushes that I am going to put in it..... I love it.

And, here it is with a few pieces added for show!  Perfect for a bathroom..

And, I was looking for a light fixture for the downstairs basement bathroom...  it's a really small room so it needed just a certain size of light fixture to go over the sink - and, I think this is going to be perfect.  

And, here's our hockey update for the week....  Here's our Ben, who plays for the Ice Mice, and my crazy son, at the rink in Alaska..... This is Ben's 1st year on the ice...

And, here's Coy, who plays for the Provo Predators!  This is  Coy's 5th year playing hockey!  He's a solid little player!

Hopefully, the stupid snow will melt... soon... I'm so tired of winter... I really need just a little bit of sunshine to lift my spirits..

As always, the adventure continues....

Love from Jim and Cheri

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