Monday, March 13, 2023

Almost there....

It's still snowing... I have absolutely nothing more to say about that...  sigh.. Last week, the Jacuzzi was totally covered in snow... this week, we can see a little of it... But... it's still freakin snowing...

This next picture below was taken 5 years ago, same day.. in the exact spot that the jacuzzi now resides.  All the garbage from the framing was piled there... After a couple of trailer loads taken to the dumpster, the area was cleared and 4 years later the jacuzzi now has a home...

We've had a couple of storage units that have been filled with building materials for the last several years... we are in the process of emptying them and closing them out and/or moving things around.  This is what we found in the one unit yesterday - a chair made out of desert scrub oak wood...  We re redoing the seat platform and making it more stable instead of macramé.  Jim wants to have a regular seat put on it, and I have already purchased a sheepskin to put on said seat... It's going to live in the great room...  We have the coffee table that some what matches it already in the living room... This thing must weigh 150 lbs. . . .

In digging out the one storage building, we found boxes of this backsplash tile...  I flat don't remember where I was going to put it... Might have been a backsplash in the downstairs kitchen, or maybe in the bathroom... I just don't remember... I really like it, but don't know where it's going to eventually land.

And, we have five boxes of it!!  So, if you have any amazing suggestions, I'm open for creative ideas...!

And, hockey season is coming to an end.  Coy is in tournament games, as is Brea...  The player in the middle of the picture with his stick up in the air is Coy... but, I don't know for sure... Giggle.

And, Brea is also in tournament games.  Her games last weekend were in Homer, Alaska...  She is such a strong little player... So proud of all the kids.

And, here is Brea and Brad, sporting their new hockey sports wear...  I swear, Brea just does not take a bad picture, ever.  Brad just looks like he wants to... snarl...Giggle

I found this copper bell that I thought would look good on our deck... It's not huge, but it really is pretty.  Hope it doesn't turn green.  I am so looking forward to getting back to the cabin...

And I'm still collecting rocks etc for our grotto.... I came across this turtle a couple of weeks ago.  It actually came from a collection that Jim's mum had put together.  Whenever they travelled, she would buy a turtle as a momento of that trip.  I saw this turtle, and thought it would look great with the rocks and the frogs that I already have.

And, we found more oak flooring for the great room... we're getting quite a collection now... in a world where everything is manufactured, our natural oak floors are going to be beautiful.

With that, we are still anticipating getting back to the mountain and working..... gonna be a busy summer - but unlike last year, we are going to take some weekends off... Driving down to the cabin every weekend really took it's toll last year...

...the adventure continues.

Love, Jim and Cheri

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