Friday, October 6, 2023


Well, the cold is moving in - a little faster than anticipated, and upon arrival at the cabin, we decided that we really needed to warm things up a little bit.  Jim put the door on the stove back together,  and Ben started an amazing fire.  It's just beautiful... and.. WARM!  It sure eats a whole lot of wood, though!  Jim took the first picture during the day, and the second....

... in the evening with the hearth lights on!  It looks so beautiful.  

However, it didn't make my fingers look particularly beautiful.  I was putting another piece of wood into the stove, and my hand hit the door... trust me.. it's really, really hot.  It seems to have cauterized and the whole thing and it really didn't hurt much.. and didn't bleed... But, a couple of days later, it was super tender.   I learned my lessons well..

As mentioned before, we were short of one kind of stone for the main level bathroom, and I couldn't find it anywhere... except in Lowe's in Chino Hills, California. We were on a little va-cay in Cali, so this worked out really well. We picked it up and took it over to UPS, and two days later, it showed up at our doorstep in Provo.

I was kind of concerned it was going to be totally shattered by the time it got back home, but it was absolutely perfect.  I'm just sad that it is no longer available.  

I think it's really interesting... Maybe that's not the look that most people want in their house, but I do.  I think it's going to look amazing.  I am glad that Jim let's me make these kind of decisions and doesn't complain!!!

The work on the bathroom continues... The rock work on this bathroom was supposed to start on October 6th, but it got postponed for another week, so we are anticipating this job to be completed soon.  However, the walls have to be sheetrocked before the rock guy shows.... So, Jim and Ben spent most of the weekend completing this job... And, I learned there are different kinds of sheetrock...(please note I am using the term, "sheet rock" instead of "gyprock".... being that only Canadians know what gyprock is... giggle).  Anyways, there is grey sheet rock, and green board and now there's yellow board.  The yellow board goes behind areas that are going to get wet.  I thought that was the job of the green board... but, what do I know.  Here's Jim and Ben carrying the greenboard into the bathroom...

And, here's Jim and Ben hitting the light fixture in the bathroom... and, Cheri in the hallway having a stroke hoping that her light fixture didn't get broken...

And, here's Ben taking down the light fixture...  just sayin'....  which was a really good idea because I had a chance to scrub the fixture down... there was a whole lot of saw dust inside it...

It's a tiny little space to work in, but this is eventually going to be an area to put clean towels in... Jim is going to build me some shelves or something along those lines, to stack towels.

And, here's the finished product all ready to have Will, the ceramic guy, come in next week and make it even prettier.  I am so excited about this project... There is a whole lot of heart and soul that has gone into it thus far... Not many people have stained glass windows in their bathroom!!

This is the other side of the bathroom.  This is the part where the bathroom sink and cabinet is going to be to Jim's right. There's still a little bit of work to do on this side, and I am anticipating it to be completed this next weekend.  Jim has really put a smile on my face by installing a plethora of outlets for my "stuff"... hair dryer, curling iron etc.  And, maybe I'll let Jim plug in his water pik, but only time will tell.

On Sunday, we were anticipating a little bit of rain, and instead, we got a little bit of a hail storm...  It started getting a little colder than I had thought... The little stove puts out lots of heat, but not enough to keep the whole cabin toasty warm... Except in the loft.  I was up in the loft in the middle of the afternoon, and it was really comfortable.  I told Jim that he needed to switch bedrooms going forward.  He agreed.  Although we have an electric blanket in our bed, the air is getting a little cold.

Going home, after the little storm (and you can see water droplets on the windshield) there was the prettiest double rainbow.  I snapped a picture and sent it to Brea, because I know she really likes rainbows.... and, she was properly impressed!

And, a neighbour of ours took this picture.  They live just down the hill from us, and bright and early Monday morning, there was the first dusting of snow.  Duck Creek, which is reasonably close to us, got slammed, but we, down in the valley, just got enough to make it look pretty.  I was hoping we had several more weeks of no snow.  I checked the weather channel, and we are supposed to have some reasonable weather this next week, and then the cold is going to blow in.  I believe my time going to the cabin has expired for this year...

We have had some times of excitement and celebration this week, so, it will be a moment to remember and celebrate.  Jim will continue to work at the cabin on weekends - working on siding and roofing to make sure it is properly winterized.

On a side note, Jim had a couple of little episodes of concern this week...  He and Ben were working on the deck, and all of a sudden, Jim said that he felt that the deck was collapsing, and he fell down.  Thank goodness Ben was there... Well, the deck wasn't collapsing, but Jim had lost his equilibrium and that caused the sensation.  Then, when working in the bathroom, he had the same thing happen.. This time he fell on top of Ben, cushioning Jim's fall, but Ben's elbow went through the sheetrock... Poor Ben's elbow was swollen and bruised.  Jim had 5 of these episodes over the weekend, and I took him to the doctor when we got back home.  They couldn't find anything wrong with him, tests showed no anomalies, his ears were clear, gave him a prescription for dizziness, and sent him home.  The doctor thinks he has some kind of a virus.  After taking the meds, he says his balance is better, but is really tired.  So, I don't know what caused this problem.  Ben said he and his wife had a little bit of the same issue, so maybe it is a virus.  I am just glad neither one were severely injured.  

With that, this issue is completed, we are excited for the ceramic guy to show this next week, and as always the adventure continues.

Love, Jim and Cheri

"There's more to life than increasing it's speed"

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