Tuesday, October 10, 2023


So much is going on at such a fast pace, I find it really exciting!  The project this past weekend was to work on the roof... Actually, work on the roof that was above the deck!  It was the last part of the roof to be installed - only a small part of it was completed last year.  

It's kind of tricky to work on this part because it has a slope and nothing to hold on to, as you can see.

Ben calls this part of the cabin, "The Roof of Death"....Maybe he should pull out his rappelling equipment.  The guys ran out of time and roofing nails, so this part of the job will be completed this next weekend.

The work in the bathroom is continuing.  I didn't realize there was so much work that went on under the ceramics.. But, there sure is.  There's not just sheetrock, but mudding and taping.  

It looks kind of scroungy, but this is all part of the process.

Jim wanted to get the ceiling completed and painted before the ceramics guy shows up on Friday, but he flat ran out of time AND energy.  

He wanted to get the texture sprayed on, then knocked down, and he had gone to Panguitch the day before to buy the spray, but when he went to use it, all the aerosol had died and it wouldn't spray.  Apparently, the can had sat on the shelf just a little too long and it died. We're going to go buy more before he goes back..

Jim says that this pink colour is supposed to turn white when it's all dried...It wasn't quite there when he left.

And, here's the bathroom when he left.  Poor Jim didn't get out of the area until 7:00 pm on Sunday which means he didn't get home until a little after 10:00pm, and 6:00 am comes too early on Monday morning.  I am so totally excited for Will to show up on Friday.  It's supposed to take three days to completed the job.  I am not going to be at the cabin for this job, even though I'd sure like to.  It's just a little too cold at night, at this point, with temperatures in the cabin below 50 degrees.

The last time I was at the cabin, at about 1 in the morning, Jim and I were woke up with a thump in the kitchen.  I got up and looked around and didn't see anything.  When Jim went back this past weekend, he found things knocked off the top of the stove onto the burners and on the floor...  This is what he found..  

I was figuring it was a mouse or something... Didn't know for sure, so I told Jim to put a couple of cheerios on the top of the stove and see if it's gone in the morning.  Well, at about 1 in the morning, he hears a crashing sound and the same thing has been repeated... AND, the cheerios were gone.
So, we are figuring it wasn't a mouse, but it is another chipmunk who has taken up residence.  Jim put out a trap and we'll have to see if we've captured something. There is absolutely nothing for the chipmunk to eat, so I don't know what he's trying to find.  But, Jim says, he makes LOTS of noise.  GRRRRR.

Because the wood burning stove is in operation, we are having to haul wood in and it's a little awkward sometimes.  I found this carrier to make the job a little easier.  There's a liner inside the metal that comes out and you haul the wood into the cabin with it... Makes it super easy.

Jim tried it out, and it works great! We're not quite sure what it's made of, so for the meantime, we are going to keep it away from the heat.  The first week we lit the fire, Jim thought that I had some ornaments stored beside the stove... they WERE candles...Uhuh... Giggle.

As I said, I am excited for Will, the ceramics guy to show on Friday.  I am sure Jim will be sending me pictures updating me on how the job is progressing...  It's amazing when we hit goals!  We have waited for two years for this guy to complete the ceramics...He's in really high demand.  He's the same guy who put in our hearth - he does beautiful work. So, this is monumental!

As always, the adventure continues, and we are stoked beyond belief.

Love, Jim and Cheri

"Destiny can throw down a pretty sparse trail of popcorn for you to follow"

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