Tuesday, October 24, 2023

It Was A Roofing Kinda Weekend.....

Well, this is surely an early Christmas present.  If you know my Jim, he does a lot of smiling on the inside, but keeps his smiles closely guarded...  The cabin is his happy place, and I was so excited to get a picture, with a "sort of" smile on his face... I'll take it, happily!  Love this man...

This week, Jim and I both made it to the cabin for a couple of days...  I don't go that often because, at this time of the year, it's just too cold for my lungs to enjoy the visit, so I stay home. But, I checked the weather channel, and it said it was supposed to be in the high 60's during the day... the nights were still supposed to get down to the 30's... so.... we stayed in a motel in Panguitch for the nights, and worked during the day... It really was nice.

We didn't find our little chipmunk visitor yet...But, he didn't make an appearance this past week. We put out live traps and they weren't tripped in the last 7 days. Nothing was moved around, so, it's either he relocated, or went to "a friend's farm" out in the country... I did find little footprints on one of our chairs, so, at some point, he was there, but I'm not sure it was this past week.  His invitation is rescinded. 

I checked my three aspens in the front of the cabin, and they've decided that it's fall and their bright green leaves are turning colours...  I'm just thrilled they are still alive.

The major work this weekend was completing the roofing on the overhang above the deck.  It's a little bit of a tricky job because it requires getting on the "roof of death" and working without anything to hold on to...

This was day one... Ben wasn't feeling well and stayed home on Saturday, and Jim was working solo...  It scares me to death when he says, "could you hold the ladder so it doesn't slip off the deck...."  Um... ok?

The second day (Sunday) Ben was feeling better and Jim and he worked together...  I took this picture of Ben and sent it to his wife.  She sent me a little message back saying "Hey, that guy on the roof is really hot!"  

I wrote her back and said that I really didn't feel comfortable commenting on her husband's picture, but I thought "this" guy on the roof the 2nd day was pretty hot... and, he could put his slippers under my bed any time...  I don't think she wanted to comment...  Giggle... After all these years, Jim still makes my little heart pitter patter.

Getting the roofing material ready to nail down takes a little bit of math, and construction skills...  I wouldn't want the job, but Jim seems to like it.

...getting the steel sheets up on the roof is a little tricky... It was a little bit windy, and the wind would catch the sheets... It definitely was a two man job... or should I say, two men and a bucket truck!

I think Ben really likes the bucket truck... Giggle...Or, maybe, Jim does NOT like the bucket truck so Ben got the job...  

I am absolutely thrilled this part of the job was completed.  I was asking Jim how he was going to get the siding on the dormer... He isn't quite sure at this point... those windows don't open, so it would require getting up on the roof...  All I know, is it's not going to be this cowgirl.

And, there ya have it.... the roof is completed!  Soooo pretty.  Jim put a couple more lines of siding on the far side of the cabin, but I didn't get a picture of the work he did...  It was right at dusk when he was working on it.. and I forgot the next day!

And, I saw this message in the grocery store last week...  I kinda liked it... Jim always tells me, "It's just you and me, babe..."  I agree.

With that, the adventure continues.. Love, Jim and Cheri

"If you can't find a perfect piece of land, buy an imperfect piece and make it perfect"


  1. Looking good ! And I think Jim has the Streeter smile 😉

  2. Jim is a unique individual to say the least...
