Sunday, December 29, 2013


So, Jim decides that we need to have a little pow wow with the folks at Kane County Building Commission....  This consisted of the Building Inspectors - 2 people, and the Zoning Inspector - 1 person...

We take down our plans, explain what we need and ask for advice.  They actually were really quite nice.  We decided that we didn't want to have our property re-zoned, but we needed information from the Buildings inspectors - one lady, and one man.

They gave us all sorts of information that we really didn't know about - like, we need to have the septicsystem plans submitted with the building permit package, we need to dig the hole, and then have a compaction/soils test done, but, we have to have the perc test done before any digging is done.... So, strange.  The septic system is one of the last things to go in, but is one of the first things you need plans for... I don't get it, but it's the rules.

We found out that we have to have the outer structure of the cabin, that is the walls, and the doors and the windows and the roof, all completed within 1 year.... We aren't really dealing with 12 months here - there's an issue of snowfall, which will stop the whole process, so time is definitely a factor here.. So, we decided to hire someone to frame the cabin in.  We found a framer down in Hatch that seems to meet our needs... Kind of a young guy, family man, lots of kids... and I mean, lots of kids....and wives....Ok....  Very nice man...He came highly recommended... We're now waiting for a bid from him.  He said he can provide a whole crew and the framing will go up in about 2 weeks...  I guess it's good for him to have a whole crew built in... Giggle...

This guy told us where to go to buy the wood/supplies at the best price in the area, and I think he is going to prove to be very helpful.


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