Thursday, December 19, 2013


I suggested Jim look into the whole idea that we can power our cabin with wind generated energy.  As I expected, many people read his post.  It is really quite interesting, but I am sure that most of you read his post, and then in your minds, said.."WHAT THE FREAK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, JIM?"  I know, I did.

Let me explain...  You know those big huge wind turbines that you see here and there... Well, we are going to have a little one to power our cabin.  That's the whole thing in a nutshell...

Please remember, Jim is an amazing engineer... that's the key word here... engineer.  He accuses me of staring at the ceiling when he talks, or rolling my eyes... I don't mean to - but, sometimes my mind just wanders when he gets into the depth of some subjects....

I personally like the idea of powering the house without having to rely on Utah Power, but basically, if I get up in the morning, and the lights turn on, and my blow dryer works, I'm good....

I love you, Jim....  Cheri

1 comment:

  1. Dear, I didn't even mention phase matching, voltage, frequency or any of the conversions I'll have to do in order to link up with the grid. I kept it pretty simple.
