Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What About Wind Energy?

Cheri brought up an interesting idea the other day.  Why don't we put up a wind turbine to generate our own electricity?

I did some research and found a wealth of information and products on the Internet.

The size of many turbines are determined by the average electricity usage in the home, but here in Utah you can sell your excess back to the energy grid and if you size it correctly, your electric bill can be zero each month.

So, what size?
The average home uses up to 1 Kw per day.  I'm thinking of a 2 meter rotor that can generate up to 3.5 Kw per day.  This would offset any days where there is no wind.  But every time we are at the cabin site there's a wind blowing.  Remember we are up at 6,800 feet of elevation on the side of a mountain.

Food for thought.

Bye for now, Jim Streeter

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