Sunday, December 1, 2013


We have three lots in Brian Head, and the cabin was going to go in the middle of two of the lots... So, we found that in order to build in the middle of two lots, we have to join them as one.

So, I get all the paperwork, and it includes old maps, and new schematics and tax notices and paid receipts from the taxes... all kinds of little things.  I get it all put together, and send it to the people at Kane County.  Apparently, it has to be sent to Kane County, and when they have their little county meeting, it has to be reviewed.  It's a whopping 15 minute procedure, but we were told that one of us has to be there for the proceedings.  They, of course, aren't held on the weekends, or in the evenings, they are held in the middle of the day.  But, we are then told, that we can telephone conference in, so that saved us missing a day's work, and 2.5 hours travel time... for a 15 minute meeting... Uhuh...  This whole procedure costs $500.00.

So, I scan and send all the information to them.  I get an e-mail from the woman in charge and she asks where the labels are... Labels?  What labels?  She explains to me, that a letter has to be sent to every land holder within 500 feet of our property, and ask their permission to join our properties...  and I'm like... let me get this straight - I own the property, all three lots, and I have to ask permission from the neighbours if I can join the properties that I already own?  Funny, I didn't have to ask their permission when I was buying the property....  And, I am supposed to scour the public records, and figure out who owns the property, type out all these labels, send them to Kane County, and they send out a letter.  On top of that, it costs $10.00 per letter, and guess what... there are 30 letters to send out.  So far, this little joining the property adventure is costing us $500.00 + $300.00 = $800.00.

Then, the lady e-mails me and says that we have to have a surveyors stamp on new drawings.... Are you kidding me?  What's wrong with the surveyor's maps that THEY had drawn up when we bought the property?  Apparently, in the 2 years since we bought the property, there was a major earthquake or something, and the property lines changed.  The little surveyor is going to charge us, yep - $1,000.00 for a new drawing.  So, update, the price is now, $500.00 + $300.00 + $1000.00 =  $1800.00... just to join two pieces of property that we already own.  Amazing.

Jim and I reached the conclusion that we are going to move the cabin to the center of the middle lot, and be done with it.  This is getting ridiculous.  We are going to put some serious money into Kane County in the next couple of years, and they just want to make it as difficult as possible...

Utterly ridiculous.


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