Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I was online a couple of days ago, and I saw an blurb advertising "vintage" brick for sale.  The lady was in Coalville, Utah, which is just outside of Park City, which is about a little over an hour away for us.  I call her and ask her about this brick, price etc., and she asks me how much brick I would like.  Well, I want a certain look for the floor of my outside shower and the patio.  I tell her how much brick I need, (which Jim tells me after the fact that it's really not enough for what I want to build) and she quotes me a price that is waaaaaaaaay cheap.  I tell her that Jim and I will take a drive up to see the brick.

I was wanting a really antique looking, old, weathered type of brick.  We drive the hour to Coalville, find the place and this brick is actually in these piles out in her horse pasture.  There's like 10 horses wandering around.  I find that the brick is absolutely, 100% what I wanted.  It's beautiful.  

In talking to the lady, she tells me that this brick came off of a hardware store that her grandfather owned.  She said that the store burned down (arson) years and years ago.  The grandfather was really quite a conservative man, and decided that the brick was salvageable, so he pulled the building down literally, brick by brick, and put the brick behind his house.  He then got the boy scouts to come out and chip all the mortar off the bricks (paid the scouts .05 cents a brick) and the brick has sat in this field for the past 40 years.  The grandfather has long passed, but the brick has remained.  The grand daughter now wants it out of the backyard.

This pile of brick has yellows and reds and cream colours all through it.  There is even a little bit of "burn" from the fire.  It's absolutely beautiful.

I am so excited to get this brick, and that my brick has a colourful past!


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