Sunday, April 20, 2014


Such an exciting weekend!  Jim and I drove down to the property, with backhoe in tow.... and WE BROKE GROUND!  Seems like we've been waiting a life time for this!  So freakin' exciting!

Our F450 didn't quite like the drive - she has an issue with towing 16,000 pounds of backhoe, PLUS 3,000 pounds of trailer.  Poor thing... We're going to take her to the truck spa this week, and have all her troubles fade away!  (That's my way of saying she is going to get a tune up....)

It took us almost 6 hours to drive down, as opposed to the usual 3 - the load was exceptional and we had to drive particularly slow.  But, this time, the boom was tied down really securely, and we didn't have the major sway like we had before.

I took a ton of pictures, but I don't want to totally bore anybody, so I've selected the ones that make me smile!

The first picture is Jim driving the backhoe to the site, and our address is #10 Crestline Avenue!  Third picture is Jim about to dig a hole for my blue spruce.  I always said that on the day we broke ground, I would plant a blue spruce and watch it grow for the next 20 years!  (About half way to the property, I realized that the blue spruce wasn't in the back of the truck, so we had to buy one.  We spent the night in Hatch, Utah, and we asked these cute ladies at the local hardware store where I could buy a blue spruce. Now get this, the hardware store sells everything from cross stitch patterns, to worms to fish with, to lumber.  it's awesome.

The ladies give us the the name and phone number of a gentleman, 95 years old, who sells trees.  We get to his place, and he's in Ogden, Utah for the weekend...  but, he tell us to just go into his greenhouse, and look around, see if we like anything, and pick out a tree... we'll settle up later.... um... ok?  So, we picked out this little cutie, and she is now a permanent part of our home!

We really didn't have a clue what we were doing... Jim was at the controls, and I was kind of playing navigator!  We did a whole lot of yelling, and arm motions and even a few hand motions in there!

AND... this is what the final product looked like!  Sooooooo excited!

Our Manzanita plants are covering the property still... and are in full bloom... kinda pretty.

On the down side... our Canadian flags, which map out the property lines, didn't wear the winter months so well....  Sad face....

All in all... was an amazing weekend....  Jim and I were in bed last night at 8:30.... totally exhausted.  We slept for a couple of hours, and then woke up at about 10:30 and just talked and laughed and made plans for next week....1:00 in the morning, we finally fell asleep for the night....  Amazing, amazing weekend!


1 comment:

  1. It was the hand motions that got me laughing! LOL. . . . JMS
