Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We made another trip to Coalville, Utah (up by Park City) last night and picked up another 300 brick.  The brick we picked up last week was so pretty that we decided to get another load.  This time, we brought a little trailer with us instead of piling it all into the back of our pick up.  Last week, after all the brick was loaded in the truck, we felt like we were doing wheelies all the way home - was a little back heavy!  This week, it was considerably better.  The only concern I had last night was driving through the canyon, at night, knowing that there are major numbers of deer that cross the road on a regular basis... But, we did ok.

We got home about 10 last night, unloaded the brick, returned the trailer, and got back home, all by about 11.  I feel like I've been hit by a truck this morning, but, the brick sure looks pretty.

The lady who sold us the brick told us that the name of the hardware store that burned down was Bullock's Incorporated.  She is trying to find us a picture of the original store.  I am doing a little research on the store and hopefully will find something... To this point, I found out that the Bullock's were some of the first pioneers to the Coalville/Park City area.  Very prominent family who owned considerable property in the area.  She said there was a store in town that had the very same brick in it.  It was too dark last night to go looking for it to get some pictures - that will be another adventure.

I love that our brick have a past...

Here's the brick all nicely stacked in our driveway.
