Sunday, October 25, 2015


Well, we've been waiting for the last couple of weeks for the property to dry out enough for us to get the backhoe running and dig across the road and put the pipe in for the electricity.  After the blue stakes issue a couple of weeks ago, we've been waiting for the rain to stop, and work to commence.

Got a call from the Water Line department... said they've marked the property 3 - 4 time and the markings just keep getting washed away.  They're up there again today, Sunday, to mark it again, but the guy said that it's supposed to rain again tonight.

Getting old.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015


With Jim going out of town this week, I really thought we had everything set to be really easy and straight forward with work being done on the cabin.

We made a really quick trip down to Manzanita on Saturday to deliver the pipe that the electrical wiring has to run through, and we were set for a quiet week....

When we got home, I went online and found a website for Blue Stakes - We figured before we have some guy dig through the road and lay pipe, maybe we should make sure there aren't any water lines or buried telephone cables for him to cut through... I found Blue Stakes and put in all the necessary information for Blue Stakes to come out and locate any buried utility lines.  The web site says that when a time for them to show up is set, they'll send me an e-mail... I was good with that.

At 8:00 am on Monday morning, I get a call from Blue Stakes telling me that they can't go out to our property because, we don't have a physical address...  I explain to the lady that there isn't a physical address because they isn't a cabin/home/place of residence there yet.. so, she just has to go with the lot number.  She doesn't like that, and says that they just can't do it.  I told her that we have already had the property Blue Staked before, so I know they can do it.  She finally gives in and says she'll put the order through.

When I get to work, I have an e-mail from Blue Stakes telling me that it will be completed in 48 hours.  I'm good with that.

About 30 minutes after that, I get another e-mail from some guy named Eric, telling me that if we are going to cut through the road, that we have to have a permit, and if we cut through the road and don't have a permit, we are breaking the law... I'm sitting there going... a permit.. we need a permit? And, who is this guy... The man wrote his name, but there was no address, telephone number, e-mail.. nothing...

So, I call back to Blue Stakes and ask if they know this guy  - of course, they don't... But, the lady was super nice and said that maybe it was from the roads department.  She gives me a number.

I call the number, and sure enough, this guy is from the road department.  He says we have to have a permit, or we are breaking the law, and it is $100.00 a day if we are in violation.  I'm having a small stroke at this point.  The guy from the road department send me the forms, and on the forms it says that it's $25.00 for the application, and you have to secure a $500.00 bond, which they hold for a year in order to get the permit.  And, of course, it all has to be paid in cash, and the application physically handed in.

I fill out the form, scan it in, send it to the guy, and tell him that I'm 3.5 hours away, and I flat can't make it there by end of business, so we can get this permit and have our contractor dig starting on Wednesday.  About 3 minutes later, he sends me the signed permit via e-mail.  Attached was a note, that he waived the $500.00 bond and the application fee, and if I would just send him a couple of pictures when it's done, he'd be happy... I was like... what?

With that done, I was somewhat confident that the electrical pipe was going to go in on Wednesday...

This morning, at 8:00am, I get a call from a guy from... the water department.  He starts out, all in a twist, telling me that he's sick of people just digging up the road and hitting the water lines, and we just can't do that... I explain to him, that I have the permit, that I called Blue Stakes, and we have the guy with the backhoe to dig the trench... He says, "Well, is this guy a contractor"?  I tell him that he is, he asks his name, and apparently knew the guy... but, the Water Department guy is still going on and on and on about people digging through his water lines... I finally say to the guy, "Now, tell me exactly what else I'm supposed to do?"  He says, "Well, nothing.. you did it right."  I was like... um.. then why are you yelling at me?

I called Jim, told him to tell the contractor dude what is going on, and send him a copy of the permit.

I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring... makes me nervous..


Wednesday, September 23, 2015


We received some new pictures from Manzanita today from Vince!

The new dirt pad behind the tree is where the large shed is going to be located.  It will look like this with the half round window above the door and back wall.

We are stoked... We get a view now from the lower driveway up to the motorhome which is parked on the upper level parking area.  All the dirt in between will be removed for the construction of the cabin.  It has a walkout basement.

The adventure continues!

Jim & Cheri

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Moving Forward....

I get asked on a regular basis, why I have such a big van, and I usually tell people that it's big enough for 5 child car seats.  Well, this is the real reason why I have this van - I haul stuff.

Yesterday, Jim and I bought the conduit pipe for the power pole.  At the end of last week, we put the money down for Kane County to run the power from the pole to our temporary!  A year ago, the estimate for running the line from the pole to the temporary was right at $5,000.00.  When Jim checked with GarKane Power a month or so ago, they said that impact fees had been reduced, so the cost of hooking up our power, was about 50% less! We were stoked!

So, what we need to do now, is dig a ditch across the road, put down pea gravel, and then pipe, and then cover it all up.  Then GarKane Power comes in, and runs the electric wire inside the pipe!  The pipe that was packed in my van, is the pipe that the electrical lines will run through!

Also, this week, Jim got a smokin' deal on some wire... I don't know exactly what it's for, but, I'm sure, he can explain..
OK, this is a spool of SO cable.  Specifically it is 10-4 SO cord.  The spool is about 2 feet in diameter and 2 feet wide.  It appears to have about 60 to 70% of the SO cord still on the spool.  My guess is there's 300 feet on there.  The seller on a local classified page put it up for sale at $50.  I was the first to call.  We closed the deal on the phone saying I'll be there before sunset.  On my way home from work I got a phone call.  He said he had to turn off his phone and people were knocking on his door.  He realized he had severely list it for too little even though the wire was 8 years old.  Could we raise the selling price?  I sarcastically asked him how much I should take out of the ATM before coming up to pick up the spool of wire.  I insisted I want first dibs on buying it.  We agreed.  I bought it for $100.  Home Depot sells it for $5.00 per foot.  I need a really long, heavy duty extension cord for construction of the shed, garage and the cabin.

Jim & Cheri.

Monday, September 7, 2015


Well, while Jim and I were partying in Cali-for-nia....  Vince, our excavator guy was working at the property, digging, digging, digging...

This is the lower driveway and it now splits.  The drive on the right of the backhoe goes up to the cabin site and the drive on the left is for the shed and garage.  The dirt area behind the tree on the far left is where the lower garage/shop will be.  It's only about 30% completed so far.
This is the driveway up to where the cabin site will be.

We seem to have fabulous dirt on our lot.  We have only found three rocks so far that are bigger than a breadbox.  We have found some gravel, but it seems to be about 4 or 5 feet down from the surface.

Having the time of our lives,
Jim & Cheri.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

...just a couple of booboos along the way...

Well, we were planning on going to Manzanita on Friday night, and working all day Saturday and Sunday... didn't quite happen that way....  but, this is an amazing adventure, remember.

Friday, Jim and I were planning on getting off work a little early and driving down to Manzanita, and be up and at 'em early Saturday morning.  Now, that in itself is a feat, because I don't do mornings very well.. But, I was willing to try.

At about noon, I realized that I had too much stuff to do at work still, and was going to be delayed.  Friday morning, Jim was told that he had a meeting from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm... and he was going to try and get out of it early... Well, that didn't happen...I didn't get home until after 5:30 and Jim got home just a couple of minutes before me... so, we worked on packing up the van..

Saturday morning, Jim goes into the backyard to make sure everything around the house is secure before we leave and got the scare of his life... He explains to me, that as he rounded the corner of the house, there standing in our backyard was a young deer... it spooked him, and he scared it, and they both bolted!  Giggle...

We started driving down south, and hit the most incredible rain and hail storm.  We needed to stop and get something out of our storage building, but it was pouring rain like you wouldn't believe.  I told Jim that we should just wait it out for a little bit..... after sitting at the storage gates, I decide that I've had enough wait time, and I get out of the van, punch in the code, fling open the gate, and then run back to the van.  Well, our van is a Ford, and when you put the van into gear, all the doors lock.. and I'm standing out there, in the pouring rain and hail, pounding on the door...  not pretty... not pretty at all... I was absolutely wet from head to toe.  I was not amused.  Jim was kind of giggling, while apologizing... uhuh...We drove over to our storage building, Jim runs out, and is fiddling with the keys, finally gets it open and goes inside... and it's still pouring rain.  When he got back into the van, he acknowledges that it's cold rain... really cold... I was like... um.. ya...

Our storage building is in Panguitch, Utah, which is about 14 miles from the property.  They have this little True Value Hardware store in town - I love that place.  It has everything from tools to kitchen appliances to fabric.  It's still raining like crazy when we pull up... and there are two State Highway patrol vehicles, with lights flashing, in front of the store.  There are a couple of officers standing in front of the building and a couple of townspeople... I figured there was something going on with the weather... Got out of the van, in the pouring rain, and these two guys are laughing at me... I was like, really?  Again, totally soaked through... and these two guys in front of the hardware store are laughing at me...  We get in the store and ask the clerk was the issue was, and she said it was a DUI arrest - the two guys were drunk...  I had drunks laughing at me... sad....

We got a motel for the night because we figured that the roads to the property were going to be so bad it would be almost impassable.  We were going to spend the night in the RV, but, decided against it. We checked into our favourite motorcycle themes room again... giggle...  When we got into the room, I made a dash for the restroom, and all I can hear is the 'vroom vroom vroom'... Jim was playing with the ceiling fan again...

We went to dinner in Duck Creek - interesting little place.  What amused me most was the pie cooler in the cafe.. they had all these pies in this cooler... like 5 - 6 different kinds and they looked amazing. But, on top of the cooler were rolls of toilet paper...Rolls of toilet paper?... About 15 rolls of toilet paper.  Didn't make sense to me... But I guess you have to store them somewhere.

When we finished dinner, the guy we have doing dirt work calls and said he wanted to show us what he had done out at the property.  It had stopped raining a little bit by then, and he was insistent, so we drove up the mountain, in the mud and  around the puddles.

We got up there, and Vince had done an amazing job... I was totally stoked!  Totally.  There's about 120 feet of lower driveway, that butts up to where the cabin is going to go.

It was so exciting!  Best money ever spent was hiring this guy.

We went back on Sunday morning, and in the area where the shed and garage are going to go, was a deer... she was kind of staring at us, and we were staring at her... I told Jim that she was beautiful, and he said that in time, I'm going to hate the deer because they are going to eat everything.  And, my mind flashed back to those little jerks who ate all my flower bulbs...  So, I've got mixed feelings about the deer right now.

Jim staked out where he wants Vince to dig next, and staked out all the property lines.  So, the property is covered with caution tape and stakes right now!  I love it.  Hope the deer don't knock them down.

The backhoe had a few problems this week, and we had to take off a piece and Jim is going to take it to a repair place (EVCO House of Hose) or something like that this week and get a new piece made.  We tried to get a replacement part at the Case dealer, but they didn't have them in stock - they have them made.  When we get it replaced, Vince can get back to work...

She should be fixed by next weekend.  It is again, another amazing adventure.


Friday, August 21, 2015

120 FEET

We are 120 feet in!  The driveway is all the way up to where the cabin will sit.  Now we will clear a space for a 10X13 shed and then a 20X27 garage.  This will allow us to store the construction equipment including the backhoe, out of the weather (winter).  With luck we will complete both outbuildings before the snow flies in November.

Now I need to bring the Jumping Jack compactor, the cement mixer, and the cement form tools down and get the foundations in.  The ridge beam for the garage is in our side yard in Provo right now.  We'll have to move it down soon.

We are stoked!  The big start has begun.

Cheri & Jim

Thursday, August 20, 2015


A couple of weeks ago, we found a guy in Hatch that could do some of the excavation work on the property - while we weren't there!  He sent us pictures today of the progress he made.

We have the 2nd driveway in!

We are stoked!  Nice dirt Eh?

Cheri & Jim

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Harley, Harley, Harley.....Giggle

Haven't written in the blog for a while... but, I think this weekend, I've come to terms with the RV and going to the property, and a whole lot of things that were REALLY bugging me..

So, we decide to go down to Manzanita on Monday or Tuesday... I'm trying to find a hotel to stay in, and EVERYTHING is booked... and I mean, everything.  I keep searching and searching and searching, and finally find ONE single room available in Hatch, Utah - which is about 15 miles outside of Panguitch and about 10 miles from our property.  I book the room for Saturday night, so we're good to go. (I don't know what was going on in Panguitch/Hatch over the weekend, but everything was booked....didn't look like there were tons of people... it's a mystery)..

We found a contractor that can do some excavation work for us, at the right price and we were meeting with him at the property to put the deal together.  The guy is there, we talk for an hour and a half or so, and he seems to be a really decent guy.  He knows what we want, and is willing to do the job.  So, we leave and head down the mountain into Hatch.

The motel is the Galaxy Motel, and there is a little cafe right by it which we've been to before - the best steak and eggs breakfast in all of Utah... bar none...  Love the food, the people there are awesome, and we've gone back several times.  The motel is to the back of the cafe.

Well, I knew this motel was a themed room, and I didn't have a problem with that.  As we check in, the young man at the desk gives us the room key, and, what looked like a remote control... I figured maybe they had a theft problem in the motel, so they keep the remotes at the front desk.

Well, it wasn't a remote for the tv... it was a remote for the ceiling fan... yep, the ceiling fan... I'd never seen a a remote for the ceiling fan before in my life.   The room was indeed a themed room, and the theme was Harley Davidson motorcycles...  it was great...  Giggle...There was the biggest mural on the main wall.. of a Harley, there were pictures of tattoos, all the furniture was by Craftsman in diamond plate....  Very clean, really interesting, but 100% Harley Davidson.

Let's just suffice to say, Jim was revving the engine...on the ceiling fan, of course... giggle...

Another amazing adventure...


Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Well, Jim and I decided to spend our Pioneer Day at Manzanita - quite an interesting and informative trip.

We got down to the property in plenty of time - gonna move the trailer from it's storage area, pull the backhoe out, and get all set up to work.. Well, we get into the RV, and realize that the battery is dead.  We hook up the RV battery to the van's battery, and after 10 or 20 minutes, we realize that absolutely nothing is happening... this battery is dead.

Plan B - We decide to drive back to Panguitch, where our storage building is at, and pull the generator out - then hook up the RV to the generator, and we can at least have lights and stove etc.  We drive back, but realize that it's getting dark, so we really have to hurry... OR,  Plan C, just look for a hotel for the night, and pull the generator out the next day.

We check on every single hotel between the cabin and Panguitch and there is not a single room available.  So, we're back to plan B.  We get the generator out of storage, and drive back to the RV to hook it up.. We rush like crazy because it's getting dark, and we're hungry and we know that everything closes down at about 9...

While Jim is hooking up the generator, I go through the cupboard's in the RV... the contents were as follows: 1 can of cream of potato soup
BBQ sauce
a 1 serving bowl of cinnamon crunch cereal
1 can of tuna
1 can of chicken

I felt like we were on an episode of Chopped!  With such a strange grouping of products, I had absolutely no idea what to make...  every suggestion that I had, Jim looked at me like I was crazy..

We decide to drive up to Duck Creek because they are in the middle of Duck Creek Days, with lots of exhibits and music and dancing... and food...  We get to the little festival at about 9:30 pm or so, and find out that all the concessions closed at 8... um, ok?  I mean, everything in this village is closed, including the restaurants, the gas stations, everything.

We decide that we are just going to go back to the RV and go to bed - didn't seem like there was any other choice.  As we're wandering around, we run into our realtor that sold us the property in the first place.  We had a nice little visit and decide to go... Duck Creek Village is out in the middle of no where, and all the way back to the RV, we have to keep slowing down because of the deer that are in the middle of the road, to the side of the road, in the ditch by the road, or jumping out onto the road.  And, then, I get a text from our realtor.  She says that she doesn't live too far, and to follow her to her house.. We do so, and she made the most amazing picnic for us - sandwiches, and fruit and treats... We are so amazingly appreciative... Took it back to our trailer, and had a feast...  Thank you to Cathy at Trophy Realty - you rock!

There are some things about the trailer that I just don't like.. I don't like the size of the bathroom, I don't like the size of the shower - and this became really, really at the forefront this trip.  We drove into Panguitch to a local camping area, and took a shower, got cleaned up, and then went to breakfast...During the next day and  a half, we decided there are going to be some major changes coming about with this whole RV situation - Jim and I have discussed them at length and know exactly what direction to go, to make the both of us happy...

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


I was visiting with a friend of mine this morning, and she asked an interesting question... She asked, "What is Manzanita?"

First of all, Manzanita is the name we have given to our cabin... When we talk about going to Manzanita for the weekend, that means we are going to work on the cabin.

But, manzanita is actually a plant that grows all over the property where our cabin is going to be... everywhere... and I mean, everywhere...  When we were purchasing the property, we saw this beautiful little shrub with tiny little flowers, dark shiny green leaves with a deep, dark red branch structure and we thought it was beautiful.  Little did we know that it had a root system like no other.  And, trying to dig that crap up is almost impossible.  The root system looks sort of like the circulatory system of the human body...1000's of little roots growing off a massive big central root - and I mean massive.  We have been digging these stupid roots up, and some of them are a foot across.  It's incredible.

I did a little research on this stuff this morning - Wikipedia says that it's used for decorating, especially for weddings, but not good for much else.  So, if you have an upcoming wedding, and want to cut down some manazanita and dry it, let us know... we have lots to share.

Manzanita is a common name for many species of the genus Arctostaphylos. They are evergreen shrubs or small trees present in the chaparral biome of western North America, where they occur from southern British Columbia and Washington to CaliforniaArizona and New Mexico in the United States, and throughout Mexico. They are characterized by smooth, orange or red bark and stiff, twisting branches. There are 105 species and subspecies of manzanita,[1] 95 of which are found in the Mediterranean climate and colder mountainous regions of California, ranging from ground-hugging coastal and mountain species to small trees up to 20 feet (6m) tall. Manzanitas bloom in the winter to early spring and carry berries in spring and summer.[2] The berries and flowers of most species are edible.
The word manzanita is the Spanish diminutive of manzana (apple). A literal translation would be little apple. The name manzanita is also sometimes used to refer to species in the related genus Arbutus, which is known by that name in the Canadian area of the tree's range, but is more usually known as madroño, or madrone in the United States.

Monday, June 8, 2015

First Video!

This is a short movie Cheri made while I was digging up Manzanita roots.
These are nasty.  They must take years to grow.


Well, we made it down to Manzanita this past weekend, and as usual, there were lots of amazing adventures - I think adventures are just waiting for us to happen...

We pulled the RV out of storage, and it fired right up when we tried to start it... there were no mouses or other critters that we needed to evict - there was a little bit of dirt on the floors and kitchen table and appliances, but, over all it was terrific.

We spent the night in an RV park, just because we didn't want to drive the RV up the mountain in the dark...  Don't know why, but we couldn't hook into their WIFI, and the bed is still uncomfortable as all get out, but it was all manageable....and the campground takes PLASTIC!!!  

We got to Panguitch on Saturday about 4, and had to drive to a couple of places to find a hose for the propane - yep, forgot one, and Panguitch didn't seem to have the specific kind of hose we needed - but, we have a wok, an electric fry pan and a microwave in the RV so it was all good.  We thought the little hardware store would have the hose, but they didn't.  They did have fabric, and canning jars and a wide variety of everything else, but no propane hose... (I love that little hardware store - especially for the fabric and patterns section....).

We realized that even though it was sunny and warm in Provo, it was cold and rainy in Panguitch, and guess what... we didn't bring jackets or hoodies or anything with us.   So, we drove around the block to get to a little thrift store that's on the main drag.  On the way there, we saw a horse tied to a tree at the pharmacy..... Jim and I were both.."What?"  But, apparently, everybody knew who the owner of the horse was, and they didn't really mind.  We get to the thrift store, and it's not open until 6 like the guys at the hardware store told us... they close at 5.  And, I find this out by pulling on the door and finding it locked.  BUT, there is this sweet little lady inside that was counting the money, and she let us in... I found a hoodie and Jim found a vest, so we were in good shape...  Seemed a little odd that someone would open the store for complete strangers, but she did, and really saved us.  So, a big thank you shout out to the little lady at Garfield Memorial Hospital Foundation Thrift Store.  You rock!  As with most of the stores in town, they don't take plastic...But we had a little cash.

We had dinner on Saturday night at one our favorite places in town - Cowboy's Smoke House Cafe.
The BBQ beef is amazing, and the sausage is to die for... We ate too much, but had to top it off with peach cobbler...  and no, they don't take plastic either...More cash. . . .

Sunday morning, we woke up reasonably early, because we were so bored to death on Saturday night that we went to bed at 10 pm..... made some breakfast, and headed up the mountain... It always makes me so nervous driving up the mountain with Beluga's so big and clumsy, and the roads are dirt and uneven and steep... It's absolutely beautiful, but that drive really freaks me out...  It's about 20 miles from Panguitch to Bryce Woodlands, and I panic the whole time.

We got to the cabin site, and Jim tells me there was a rabbit in the middle of our driveway that was apparently the welcoming committee!  

Last fall, I planted a couple of 100 flower bulbs around the trees by the driveway.  I was so excited to see the flowers this spring.  I walked down the hill to the driveway, expecting to see this beautiful array of flowers, and there was... nadda single flower.  Half the bulbs grew, but the tops of the leaves and the flowers were totally gone... totally... I was so disappointed.  I looked around and there were deer tracks all over my flower beds - stupid deer ate my flowers!  I picked bulbs that were supposed to be deer resistant - I guess they didn't tell the deer...  There were tracks all over the place, and rocks that had antler scrapings on them.  I think my flowers were a snack for them or something.
Pretty sad.

Jim got the backhoe all ready for work... Last fall, we found a guy that wanted to do some of the backhoe work for us when we weren't there... We gave him the key, and that was the last we heard from him... We thought that the key was gone forever, so we went to the Case dealer and bought a set of keys for it... Well, this spring, we try the keys and they don't fit... So, we got a hold of the guy's wife, and she had left them at the convenience store about 5 miles away... We picked up the keys, and felt we dodged a bullet there!  We were moving dirt from our property up the hill to make a driveway at the middle of the hill..

The backhoe started to stall, and Jim did a little evaluation... found that some bowl thing (fuel filter bowl, JS edit) that has gas in it, was all mucky, and the thing that the little glass bowl sits in was all mucky also... so, he had to change it out... He bought a new one last fall.  He's so smart, I swear...  So, after that little distraction, we got the machine to work perfectly...

Jim works the backhoe, and I navigate... I tell him when the bucket us full, or where to dig... We found that I didn't follow the "international hand signals" quite like Jim expected... And, as he told me that my hand signal communication skills were lacking, I gave him one hand signal that he understood perfectly...  Then, I told him that he was supposed to learn my hand signals... Men!  I swear!  I understood my hand signals perfectly!  And when the backhoe is running and I talk he's supposed to read my lips with full comprehension. . .

We got quite a bit of work done this weekend...  It was fun...

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Winnie The Pooh

I saw this verse today, and I thought of the little adventure that Jim and I are on.... - a couple of old farts building a cabin on the top of a mountain... It's been wonderful...

It's so amazing to be having "Another Grand Adventure" with Jim...


Sunday, March 15, 2015


So, Jim and I decided to take a trailer full of stuff down to our storage building in Panguitch this weekend.... We got a little bit of a late start because we had an overnight party with Mahayla.... and then we were going to take her to the Living Aquarium for her birthday at 10:00 on Saturday morning.... Well, Mahayla had so much fun Friday night, that she slept 12 hours, until almost 11 in the morning...... Had a wonderful time... can't complain..

We got on the road at about 6:00 pm on Saturday and headed down south... We got into Panguitch around 10:00 and decided to find some where to eat a little bit of dinner....  There are a couple of restaurants in the town, and we figured because it was Saturday night, one of them would be open... Well, guess what..... they all close at or before 10:00.  We even tried to get a sandwich at the Arby's, which is part of the local gas station, and as we were walking up to the doors, the attendant turned on the closed sign...the door was locked. . . Sad..

I told Jim that we had a couple of cups of ramen in the van, and he said he would rather starve than eat ramen.... oh well..

There was a little movie theater on the corner, and we figured we would go in, get a soda, and maybe ice cream or something, and that would be it until morning.  We go in, and they have a grill for burgers and the such... but, it was already cold and was cleaned...  The cook came out, and we asked what he had that wouldn't mess up the kitchen.  He said he would put something together for us.....  something... we were a little concerned...

About 10 minutes later, he comes out with two plates, two amazing sandwiches, and potato salad... the little girl working the front brought us a couple of sodas, and it was absolutely delightful...  I couldn't believe it...  The chef's name was William, and he was from England.  He was wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt and Jim and William had a conversation about music... I basically sat there and ate... It was wonderful.

We go to the counter to pay and the total bill came up to $20.00 and change - Jim hands the girl his card, and she says, "We only take cash of cheque"... Cheque?  Um... no we don't have a cheque on us, and we don't carry cash when we're traveling...  The owner comes out, and just says, "We'll write you an "I OWE U", and you can settle up later"... Jim and I were shocked.... totally shocked...I felt like we had entered into the Twilight Zone... We told the guy we could drive over to Zion's Bank and use the ATM.. he said no, to just come back another time...  Was really cool...

So, the next morning, we drove over to Zion's, got cash, and took it back over... the owner was there again, and we settled our bill.... He had a stack of IOU's in the till, that people never had taken care of... made me feel a little sad that this lovely, generous man, was being taken advantage of...  sad.

So, in conclusion of this part of the blog, in Panguitch, William, and your boss from Scoops... You Rock!  Thank you.

We got over to the storage building at about noon or so, and started to unload... Our trailer, this time, was stacked with concrete tubes, foam insulation, and heavy duty sheeting for the walls, some TPM roofing, one enormous premade floor section of the shed building for onsite and the granite countertop that we had purchased last week.

The only problem was, the insulation was itchy, the floor section of the storage building weighed about 1000 freakin'  pounds, and the marble had to be about the same...  and there were two of us and a refrigerator dolly to get it off the trailer and into storage... We had called a local guy who we had set up to help us on occasion and got no answer from his cell phone.  This floor section is 10 feet by 6 1/2 feet made from 2X6's and 4X4's.

It was quite a feat... not something I want to repeat any time soon....  But, it all got put to bed and locked away, and Jim and I are now home and feeling good about the day.

As we always say, another grand adventure.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

SAT-UR-DAY - in Morgan, Utah

Jim and I had such a nice Saturday... had a fun morning with the grand daughters, spoiled them crazy, took them shopping, spoiled them some more, dropped them off, and then Jim and I took a drive up to Morgan, Utah....Where exactly is Morgan, Utah, you ask?  (I didn't know myself - Jim told me.....)

Morgan, Utah is about 30 minutes outside of Park City, Utah and about 30 minutes outside of Evanston, Wyoming......  It's a little town of about 3,000 people... the view to get to it, is spectacular.

Such a lovely day, and such a lovely drive....

Well, the reason we went, was to pick up some granite for counter
tops...  We're not quite sure which counter top it's going to be - I just loved the granite and thought it was beautiful... Had to have it..

Jim had to load it onto our trailer - he says it weighs about 300 - 400 pounds... I wasn't much help, but in the transportation department of my thoughts, I really don't help much... It's more of a spectator sport for me at that point...


Sunday, February 1, 2015


We purchased a glulam beam from a guy in Salt Lake several months ago... This thing is like 28' long and weighs a billion pounds... it's been in storage in Salt Lake since last fall.. Well, we decided to pick it up this past weekend.

Against my wishes, Jim arranged for us to pick it up at 9:00 am, Saturday morning.  This means that I have to get up at 7:00 am... Saturday morning, and shower and get put together by 8:00 am so we can pick up the U-Haul 26 foot moving truck and drive to Salt Lake by 9:00 am.. Really?  REALLY?  I'm really not a morning person... I think it morning came around noon or so, I would be better with it.

We pick up the truck, and get as far as American Fork when Jim realizes that he forgot to bring his tie down straps... So, we call Brianne... and you know what... she's not a morning person either...  We drive by their place, pick up TJ's tie down straps and carry on... I get a text from Brianne that simply says, "Fail on being up so early on a Saturday morning, Mom..."  I think she wanted to sleep in...

Anyways, we made it to Salt Lake, got the beam and brought it back to Provo...

The truck we rented was a 26 foot U-Haul... Jim backed it into the driveway, broke the branches off the Black Walnut tree at the end of the driveway.. (I just asked Jim what the tree was at the end of the driveway and he says, "It's a black walnut, or an English walnut tree... that's what you had ME mow down with the truck...")  I think he's a little bitter... Giggle.

The beam is now living at the side of our house.

Another grand adventure.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Case Dealership

So, we went to the Case dealer yesterday to buy a couple more keys for the backhoe...  all the keys for these bad boys are the same across the board, so it wasn't difficult getting the right keys.

We were talking to the guy at the front desk and told him that we had a blog... he went to the blog and looked at it for a couple of minutes and finally said, "You two are having a blast, aren't you?"  We had to admit, we really were having a blast... and I think it's nice that it shows in the writing in our blog.

We are planning the weekends and weeks that we are going to be at Manzanita this summer.... all long weekends and most of the regular weekends also... gonna be lots of work, but so fun and I am really looking forward to it..

So, if you have a weekend off, and you want to drive 3 hours, sleep in primitive conditions (tent), eat over an open barbecue, and work your tail off for a couple of days, let us know... we'd be glad to have you!  (Seriously.... not kidding on this one....)


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Stuff We Took To Manzanita....Trip #2

List of Stuff we took to Panguitch:

Garage door
Garage door belt drive opener
Scaffolding - 12 feet
Door frames for Shed and Garage
Carved Mexican trim for Garage Door
Chop Saw
Concrete Anchors for framing - nut plates and nuts
Garage Door Track
Hand tools - shovels, scrapers
2 saw horses
Italian marble
Lag Screws
2 laminated beam hangars
10' step ladder


So, we decided to make a quick trip down to the property this weekend - we didn't expect to do any work, but we wanted to drop off at trailer load of building supplies to the storage unit we have in Panguitch.

We left Saturday, planning to come home Sunday afternoon.

Interesting place, Panguitch is.  We found out that about 90% of the town closes for the winter... That includes restaurants, hotels, stores..... And, in Hatch, Utah, about 99% of the town closes down... the restaurants, hotels, stores, AND gas stations.

We found a little motel and we checked in.  The owner of the hotel gave us a little piece of paper that listed all the establishment that were actually open.  At about 8:30 or so, we decide to go out and get some dinner.  We drive to the one restaurant on the list, and... it was closed for the evening.  So, we went to the gas station, got drinks and pretzels and cheetos, and that was our dinner.  We took it all back to the motel, and watched tv and snacked.

Sunday morning, we went back to the restaurant, and it was OPEN!!!  Great breakfast!  We decided to unload the trailer, and then head up to the property. We made a quick stop where we have our RV stored and pulled the battery.  It's going to be sitting for the next couple of months and we didn't want it to go dead...

 On our way up to the cabin, yep, blew a tire.  Jim gets out, pulls off the spare and it's flat... like really flat...  BUT, we are excited because we had a little compressor in the van.  It plugs into the cigarette lighter.... We got it all set up, and, the attachment to air up the tire wasn't attached.. Groan.

I called a couple of friends in Panguitch to see if we could get some help - no answer.  I finally called an acquaintance in Hatch, and he came and took Jim, and the flat tire back to Panguitch to see if they could find an air station.  About 15 minutes later, they come back.  Not only is the tire inflated, but, Jim tells me that the Tire store was.. OPEN!!  We drove back to Panguitch, and the guy waited for us to come back...  Two new tires later, we were back on the road!

It was such a nice day, we decided to drive up to the property.  It was nice and dry at the bottom of the road... however, about half way up the road, it was so muddy and wet, we had to turn around.  The van is covered with mud, the trailer is covered with mud - We're going to have to pressure wash it tomorrow to get all the muck off of it.

All in all, we accomplished everything we wanted - a few twists and turns, but still was... one more grand adventure.  (I am so glad Jim chose me to have grand adventures with....kinda like him...)


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Panguitch, Utah

It's snowy outside, but we are going to be making a trip to Panguitch, Utah this weekend...(Panguitch is about 15 miles from the cabin - it's not a huge town, but it sure is bigger than Hatch, Utah, which is the closest little town to the cabin...) We have a storage unit in Panguitch that we are transferring building materials into.  Today, we're going to move door frames, roof trusses for the garage, the garage door and opener. We already have the parts for a 11 X 8 shed in storage.  Jim has plans to move a whole lot of other stuff - I don't know until I actually see him putting the stuff into the trailer... Exciting times.

Jim says this is what the garage construction is going to look like with the arched roof line.

For Christmas, I bought Jim a mirror from the 1920's - about 30" in diameter. (Jim just asked me if I wanted the radius.. no....)  It has carved glass at the top, very retro.  We are going to put it in the loft bathroom - this is the bathroom that we have the claw foot bathtub for, and the toilet that has the tank that is at the ceiling with the brass pipes and pull chain...  We also bought a brass sconce that looks like a sea shell for that bathroom also.   It is coming together nicely.

Last fall, the temporary power pole went in.  We talked to Kane County to get the electricity turned on, and found out, that as soon as they turn the power on, they charge you $35.00 a month, whether you use it or not.  We don't have access to the property from November to April because of snow load, so we opted not to have it turned on until spring.

We have started working on the package to be submitted to Kane County for our actual building permit.  We don't have to apply for a building permit if we are just doing dirt work - which we spent the last year doing.  This year is going to be actual building.  Jim used his CAD system and mapped out where the cabin is going to be, and the garage, and I got to put in the pergola and fire pit and things like that.  It gave me a better perspective of exactly where everything is positioned on the property.  When we had just 2 lots, I had an idea, but over the past couple of years, while we have been buying the extra lots, the positioning of the cabin changed.  So, it's very exciting.

Life is good... and as we always say, "Another amazing adventure".  I'm glad I get to share the adventure with my Jim.

Jim and Cheri