Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Well, the good news for the midweek post is... We passed the water pressure test!

The bad news, is... we failed the compaction test.... sigh...

But, the situation is fixable.  Our contractor has to go out to the one corner of where the building is supposed to be, pour down water, mix it in, and then compact the dirt so that it will support the foundation of the house.

The positioning of the cabin moved so that we had a nicer view and we didn't have to cut down trees... Because of this, it was moved to an area that had previously been dug up and it wasn't virgin ground... which made it unstable.

The contractor was going to try and pour concrete tomorrow, that is, if the rebar test passed tomorrow morning... (so many tests)... So, the compaction test is resheduled, the rebar test is on hold, and we hope to pour concrete on Monday now..

But, Conex Drive is in and we're going down to Cedar City on Saturday to purchase the conex container and have it delivered.

Another amazing adventure.


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