Friday, August 4, 2017

Our House, is a VERY VERY VERY Fine House...

It's been a super stressful week - so much going on, and when thinking about what to call this entry in the blog, the only thing that came to mind is the song by Crosby, Stills and Nash... Our House...  ( I know, it's a stretch)...

Aside from all the drama of this week, we have had amazing things go on with the cabin - and I mean, amazing.  If I was describing what all was happening, I would probably say, there was this big beam that went up on the top of the house (not made from "Norwegian Wood"), and some walls and such... but, that doesn't give you much information... So, knock on wood, I will defer this next section to my dear, sweet husband, Jim.

Jim - take it away....

OK, so last weekend, we had the little "rainy day feeling" kinda day that was relaxed and very peaceful.  We took down a load in the trailer and drew some pictures on the floor.  Our framer picked up the pace on Monday and went to town.  He wasn't "standin on the corner in Winslow, Arizona" and that's for sure. . . . By Tuesday the loft floor was up.

By Wednesday half of the panoramic prow wall was up ready for that beam.  So, "Beam me Up!".

And by Friday they had put the massive header on the front wall for the ridge beam and placed the ridge beam in place.  No signs of any transparent aluminum here!

By the end of the day they had started putting up the bathroom dormer in the loft and some of the roof joists.  Pretty soon we'll be singing "Up on the Roof", but not as good a James Taylor did it.

We can now see how tall the cabin is going to be.  I'll bet "I can see for miles and miles. . .".

OK, enough fun.  It is fantastic to see our dream coming true.

Another week of adventure Cheri!

Jim & Cheri

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