Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Up On The Roof.....!

Big week, and we hit another milestone!

The roofing was scheduled to be installed on Tuesday, and on Monday, Jim was talking to Kane County Building Inspection, and we were scheduled for a structure inspection on Tuesday also.

On Monday, we got pictures from our contractor, they started the roofing, and actually finished it on Tuesday.. We were stoked.

Jim took off work and at 6:30 am was on the road to the cabin - the inspection was supposed to be between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm...

He made it to the property in time, and we passed inspection.. there was 4 little minor items, but, they were fixed before the inspector left.  Then today Jim got a phone call from the building inspector, Barbara and she raised an issue about the overhang not being supported in the corners.  So we have to find something like a structural corner bracket that will hold up the corners of the roof.  Really people? ? ?  See the corners?  They want them supported.  Bleh.  I see a Google search coming.

The contractor was doing a little finish work, like cutting out the wood that was covering windows, and bits and pieces of things like that...

Jim took another load of windows to the cabin, and we will be having them installed in the next couple of weeks.

What an adventure this has been...  we are looking forward to finishing and having visitors!  But we know we still have a long way to go.

Having a serious hard work adventure.

Cheri and Jim

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