Thursday, April 16, 2020


Can I just say, I am really sick of this Corona pandemic virus quarantine crap... just getting old, and it's cramping my style...

Jim is working from home, so I bought him something kinda cool to entertain himself while he's at home..It's a stained glass kaleidoscope.  It's a little different, but still throws the patterned colours just like cheap, plastic kaleidoscopes!  I kinda liked it.

Here's one of the patterns it throws..  The top part is soldered in place, so  you have to turn the whole thing to get the pattern to change, but, it's still pretty cool.

As we mentioned last week, in our VERY VERY short politically correct uninformed blog,  Jim went to drop off the furnace and pick up the trailer at the cabin... What we didn't mention, but took pictures of, is how muddy it is at this time of the year...  This is the mud that was left on the truck AFTER driving 3.5 hours on the interstate.. a lot of it flung off in the drive, but a substantial amount stuck around.  It's like glue.

Yes, mud does track into the house...  um yep... and no, I don't say anything... hardly ever.  I don't want Jim to think I'm picking on him all the time... hardly ever.  But, slowly but surely, I am getting used to Jim being at home in the mornings when I'm getting ready for work... But he does cramp my style.  I have a set routine.

I found these shelf frames and thought they would be an interesting look...  Jim had never heard of them, and didn't really understand the whole concept... there is no picture that goes into the frame, but the items, that would normally go on a shelf, go above the frame and inside the frame and on the little ledge..  I think they're cool.. Jim is still rolling his eyes....  Before long, his eyes are going to fall out for all the exercise they are getting... He has muscles around his eyes like Arnold.  His lips aren't pursed so I know he's not ticked, but, he's got a really blank expression, so a whole lot is going on behind those eyes and those lips...  (I still think they're kissable...).   Anyways, so much for shelf frames...  next!

Today was a big day in the cabin building experience.  Jim and Lowell drove to Salt Lake and picked up the first load of block for the retaining wall.  If we don't put in a retaining wall, the mountain will shift and one cabin will roll down the mountain.  We purchased 94 blocks at half price of brand new.  There are three different types of block, one kind for the bottom of the wall, one for the middle, and of course, one for the top.  These four that they transported are bottoms.  Apparently each weighs about 1800 pounds, and our trailer will carry about 4 or 5 at a time.

These are huge, huge, heavy blocks - I think they look like really big legos!  Jim and Lowell are going to take this load to the cabin on Saturday.. weather permitting!  And all those blocks in the background . . . are ours!  We are considering hiring an 18 wheeler with a flat bed trailer.

Jim had an appointment with his endocrinologist this afternoon, so it was imperative that he make it to Salt Lake, pick up the block, and get back to Provo by 4.... At about ten to four he was on time, and about to go to the doctor's office... He forgot that the trailer with all these block on it was still attached to the truck... It is kind of a safety measure but you always unhook the ball before you unhook the safety chains in case the trailer wants to roll away.  When he unhooked the truck ball from the trailer, it was too heavy on the back end and it flipped upwards off the trailer ball...  giggle... with limited time to go, he left the trailer tilted back hung on by the safety chains to the pick up, and had to drive the bucket truck to his appointment... cracked me up..

Jim took this picture of this horned lizard, the last time he was at the cabin.. just forgot to send it to me.  Not sure what they call it.

About a year ago, when we were driving home extremely tired, we were just past Panguitch when we remembered that we forgot to pick up eggs... So, we did a three point turn, in the middle of the road, and the edge of the trailer that we were pulling, jack-knifed into the side of the pick up.. It's been this way for a year now.  At Christmas time, I felt it was necessary to decorate this little booboo..  Jim agreed.  Just seems right..

Even though we are stuck in this quarantine, the adventure continues...
(Actually, Jim is working from home, and I am considered essential, so I go into the office every day... )

Jim and Cheri

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