Sunday, April 19, 2020

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back.

Well, this week can be described as "two steps forward, one step back".  Jim and Lowell (Brianne's partner) picked up four of the retaining wall blocks from Salt Lake this past Thursday.  Everything with picking up the block went fine... and, driving it to Panguitch went fine... stopping at the C-Stop pizzeria went fine... and, Jim said the food was great...  

However, driving up the mountain to the cabin, proved to be a little more challenging than expected.  I had checked the weather report earlier and it said that it was going to be overcast, but dry on Friday, and weather would come in late afternoon on Saturday.  We felt we had a good window to take the block down.

Unfortunately, what we didn't know is that it rained earlier in the day and it made the road super muddy...Jim and Lowell got as far as the first switch back on the road, and weight of the trailer proved to be too much to pass.  After several attempts, and almost sliding off the mountain, they chose to unhook the trailer from the truck, and just leave the trailer there at the side of the road.  Jim met with one of the neighbors on the mountain, and they felt it should just stay there for the next week until it dries out a little bit (lot) more...

This is what it looked like when it was sliding backwards and off the road before it stopped.  Very scary.

I am personally glad they left the trailer... that one area of the mountain scares me when it's dry, let alone muddy....

Jim took Lowell for a tour of the cabin, and the snow was melting on the deck... but, not completely gone.. But, it was a nice opportunity for Jim to show off a little bit...  I think Lowell was impressed....

On the way home, it really started to rain - just as the forecast predicted.  Glad they decided to come home.

..and it just kept raining.

Jim took this trip as a complete failure, but I don't...  I think that if you get there, and get home safely, it's a total success.

We'll look forward to going to the cabin another day, and completing the project this summer...

Another page in the amazing adventure.

Jim and Cheri

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