Sunday, July 22, 2012

Now that we have heard about the grasshopper and at the time it really was funny in a macabre sort of way, I want to post a couple more pictures of the logs we "cut out of the herd" and branded as our own.  They are between 12 and 16 inches in diameter and up to 26 feet long, weighing in around 600 lbs. each.   We bought 16 of them and moving 8,000 lbs. of wood as I am learning is not an easy task.  The biggest trailer I can rent is 20 feet long so they are just going to have to hang out a couple of feet on either end with a red flag on the back.  The very kind owner in Liberty, Utah has agreed to keep them until spring when we will move them south to the sandblaster to do his magic.

I never noticed this when I took the picture, but double click on the first picture and check out the detail in the background.  It is absolutely beautiful.  Cheri and I are lucky to live in a very special place.

Jim Streeter 7/22/2012

1 comment:

  1. You can almost see the grasshoppers... all over the place... hiding in the grass... waiting...

