Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I find that I get a little overwhelmed with this project... I am so glad that I have Jim, and he keeps me on track.  I have heard all the stories (horror) about what happens to couples when they decide on a major building project, and that somewhat concerns me. 

I was sitting in my office this morning, and I realized after reading someone else's blog, that my problem is that I can't see the goal.. in my head... I can't visualize the project... yet.  But, I was inspired by a story, and I choose to share it...

"Having a goal is the most important part of becoming a finisher. A goal can keep us focused on where we want to end up. A great example of this is the story of Florence Chadwick. On August 8, 1950, Chadwick swam the English Channel in 13 hours and 20 minutes, breaking the then-current world record held by American swimmer, Gertrude Ederle. One year later, Chadwick crossed the English Channel yet again, from England to France; this time in 16 hours and 22 minutes, thus making her the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions.
On the fourth of July 1952, Florence Chadwick, now 34, set a goal to become the first woman to swim the 26 miles between Catalina Island and the California coastline. As she began this historic journey, she was flanked by small boats that watched for sharks and were prepared to help her if she got hurt or grew tired. Hour after hour she swam, and after about 15 hours, a thick, heavy fog set in. Curiously, Florence began to doubt her ability, and she told her mother, who was in one of the boats, that she didn’t think she could make it. Florence’s mother and her trainer continued to offer encouragement. They told her it wasn’t much further, and they urged her not to quit. But all Florence could see was fog. She had never quit . . . until then.
As Florence sat in the boat, she realized that she had stopped swimming less than one mile away from the California shoreline. She later explained that she quit because she could no longer see the coastline-there was too much fog. Florence couldn’t see her goal.
Two months later, Florence got back in the water to try again. This time was different. She swam from Catalina Island to the shore of California in a straight path for 26 miles. The same thick fog set in, but Florence made it! What was different? Florence said that while she swam, she kept a mental image of the shoreline, her goal, in her mind. Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel, eclipsing the men’s record by two hours!"


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