Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stuff, stuff and more Stuff!

We continue to buy little bits and pieces of STUFF for the cabin and put it in our storage building.  Last night, we put lumber and the driveway lights, and ceramics into the building.  It's starting to get a little on the packed side of life.  As I said before, we are trying to go very, very green and using and reusing items.  Jim keeps a spreadsheet of what we have purchased and over the last year or so, we have bought about $29,000 worth of building materials... that's if we purchased it all retail...We have actually only paid about $2,300.00 which is about 8% of the retail cost... We have a storage building that is chuck full of sinks, and countertops and light fixtures and a little bit of everything else.  Last fall, we bought all the windows at a substantial savings, and they are sitting in storage also!  And, I think we have all the cabinets for the kitchen also... on that issue, I think we are still missing 3 pieces, but we are patient people.... Giggle.  The quest continues.....

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