Monday, September 24, 2012

A Big Challenge

OK, this might just be the most difficult thing I have ever done.  Cheri and I have been discussing the next phase of the building project, digging out the lot, leveling it in the area where the cabin will sit and ultimately digging the trenches for the foundation.

So, after weeks of research and watching eBay along with a few other auction sites, I bid on and purchased a backhoe.  It is a Case 580B.

I used to operate my Dad's front end loader, so this should be the next step with a huge learning curve.

Basically we need to dig out the side of the mountain incline and push the dirt down to create a level area to build the house on, make a driveway and parking area, and prep an area for the septic system.

I hope to pick it up in New Mexico in time to try it out on the sandy soil on our lot before the snow comes.

And Cheri won't laugh at me as I'm learning to dig with this big boy toy.

I also bought the guy's trailer that he hauls it with.

Wish me luck!  Jim Streeter