Sunday, September 30, 2012

Clearing the Land

Today we ventured down to Manzanita with chainsaw in hand, work gloves and great expectations.  We started by clearing the brush for a trail down to the cabin site.  Then we took out our tape measure and laid out the location the cabin will sit on.  Once located, the trees were identified that needed to come down and we went all "Jason Meyers" on them.

Here's what we started with.

And here's what it looked like once the brush was cleared.

We then set to opening up the view by taking down a couple of the really big trees that were sitting right where the cabin will sit.

So, what did we finish with?  This!

There's a lot more to do next week, but we made a great start.  Thank you Cheri for helping.  I'm ready to buy you your own chainsaw and work boots.  Jim Streeter


  1. I get my own work boots?!!!! Wow, that's what I've always wanted... uhuh...

  2. Cheri, you need work boots. Crocs are just not cutting it. Maybe steel toes ones too!

  3. What was really sad was that I realized that I was wearing crocs and sweatpants while we were driving down to the lot..... and all I could hear in my head was my brother Eldon, telling me, "If you wear crocs and sweatpants, you've given up!"... I just thought it would be comfortable!! Giggle.

  4. There was so much dead manzanita plant that we needed to get it pulled up to make a pathway. I don't know how long it had been there, but the area looked super pretty when all the dead limbs were cleared away. We can't burn it yet because the area is still under fire watch... Hopefully, in the spring we'll either be burning it, or hauling it out to put in a dumpster. I'm just thrilled with the look of the area now...Cheri
