Saturday, January 19, 2013


It's been quite the journey for Jim, plagued with "new adventures" at every turn!

When Jim and Marv got as far as Moab, I was feeling a little more at ease thinking that it would be smooth sailing the next day.  Saturday morning, after breakfast, they got back in the truck for the final leg of the journey.  They got to Green River, and Marv got back to his truck and departed for home - Cedar City, Utah.

I was anticipating Jim being home about 2 or so..... at 3, he's still not home and I'm starting to panic - actually, I've been in a panic since he's been gone, but this increased it.  I call a couple of times and he's not answering his cell... I'm really in a panic.

About an hour after that, Jim calls and says he's in Wellington,Utah, and he's blown a tire on the trailer, so he needs to change out the tire...He changes out the tire, and goes to air it up a little more, and realizes that after he's put the air in it, it's down 10 psi from when he started.  The little girl at the station realizes that she can't turn on the compressor properly, and the air machine is taking air out of the tire instead of in...  He goes to another place and gets the problem fixed.

What do you see in this picture?  Snow and ice on the right (Brrr cold . . .), on the left the trailer light is completely destroyed by the tire explosion that is seen in the middle.  This was not fun.

About an hour passes, and I'm sure he should be home relatively soon.  Another phone call,  a hose has blown in the engine of the truck, and it's over heating... He was just outside of  Spanish Fork, Utah at the time, which is within 20 minutes of home.... He says that he flagged down a man and his son, who were checking out the area for deer etc., and they said they would help with hose clamps and water. 

About an hour after that, I hear, "I'm Home"...!  Best words I've heard in a long time.

Maybe my stomach will calm down a little bit... Maybe, one of these days, I'll learn not to expect the worst whenever we have an adventure...Maybe, but probably not.

Glad he's home.  Glad he's safe.  Glad there's a huge backhoe sitting in my front yard???  I'll have to rethink that one...

Cheri and Jim

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