Tuesday, January 8, 2013


As you know, the backhoe is still in New Mexico.  Jim and his friend, Marv were going to take a little trip to New Mexico and pick it up this weekend.... However, we checked the forecast for this weekend, and guess what????  SNOW!!!  Lots of it!

So, the trip is postponed for another week... I am kinda glad, because I think Jim needs a little more rest before undertaking this trip again.  I am still not recovered...

We met with the architect again last night - always an interesting adventure.  I think we're getting closer and closer to getting what we want.  We have some engineering issues - it seems what we envision, the structural engineer doesn't think will pass code, so we are back to the drawing board.  I just always get the feeling that we are paying this structural engineer to say, "NO!" and then we have to do a redesign.

But, while I was sitting in front of the architect, feeling brain dead at the conversation, (I usually just sit there, and Jim and the architect have this in depth conversation about concrete and footings and slopes and stuff like that) I saw a piece of stained glass in a book... absolutely loved it!  I have a woman back east that does glass patterns for me, and I sent it to her this morning.  She's going to make the pattern for me, and I'll have this amazing piece of stained glass in my kitchen!  SCORE!

Until then.... Cheri

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