Friday, January 18, 2013


You know, I don't wanna get graphic here or anything, but I really like sleeping with my husband... and when he is out of town, I hate it!  Jim is always nice and warm, and he lets me cuddle up to his back, with my one arm slung around him... and he even lets me snore and doesn't push me away...

This is the scenario - Jim goes out of town, I crawl into bed, and four other little beings come into my bedroom, scan the room, realize that Jim's not there, and they all crawl into bed with me...  If I close the door, they're all scratching at the door wanting me to let them in....

Last night, not really the optimum situation for restful sleep... Big Foot has to be under the covers with me - she cuddles up under my arm, under the covers, and purrs like crazy... Devil - he's a foot of the bed kind of cat - at my feet, that is...  Chuck - he likes Jim' pillow... and he's so old, he probably doesn't realize Jim is gone... and then Meenu Meenu - he always likes to sleep between Jim and I - so, last night, he was snuggled up to the small of my back...And Devil doesn't like Meenu Meenu or Chuck, so there's always this major hissing action going on all night long... I feel like I'm a prisoner in my own bed and can't move!

So, Jim - come back from New Mexico... soon... I need some rest.


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