Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Well, Jim and his friend Marv are going to have a little road trip this weekend to pick up the backhoe in New Mexico.  We've checked the weather channel and the forecast looks clear from Provo, Utah to Councelor, New Mexico where the backhoe is being stored right now. 

I'm always a little nervous about these trips.  Having driven with 65 billion pounds of backhoe on a trailer behind the truck, I always fear an accident of some kind... I don't know if it's the trip there without the backhoe that bothers me more, or the trip back with the backhoe... I think it's the mother instinct that automatically kicks in....

Haven't heard back from the architect, but, that's ok.. the property is completely covered in snow... Looks really pretty, but, it's colder 'n cold!

I'll keep you posted.


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