Sunday, November 6, 2016

Can we say Con.Ex?

Well, Jim and I made it down to Manzanita this past weekend, after first making a trip to Cedar City, Utah to purchase a  Conex shipping container.  We have so much stuff in storage (4 storage buildings to be exact) that we thought it would be a good idea to buy one big container, and consolidate.

So, we find this guy in Cedar City, and make an appointment to go see shipping containers, on Saturday afternoon.  We make it down there in good time, pull into the lot, and there at 100's of shipping boxes, or all sizes.  We were looking for a 45' box 9 1/2 feet high, in good condition, that could be transported over the road, in about an hour to Manzanita.

We found the one that we wanted, paid for it, and then set up the delivery date.  It's supposed to be delivered on Tuesday or so.  Stoked.

We then drove on to the property.  I don't think it looks a whole lot different, but Jim says that it is.  I guess I really don't pay attention.  You can't see the plumbing pipes any longer, they're covered up, and there have been trenches dug around where the forms are going... apart from that, not much difference.

This is a shot of Conex Drive today.  The conex will sit on the railway ties once they are set down level.

We failed the compaction test last week, and the contractor had to soak down the one corner with water, let it dry and then use a jumping jack to pound it down.  I can see where the ground was wet, but I don't think it's been pounded down yet.

The big news for the weekend is that we moved Beluga (Jim's Dad's RV) into storage.  We revved her up, and drove her down to her winter home in Panguitch.
 This next weekend, we'll need to go down one more time, and make some repairs to her, so that she will be safe and dry for the winter, and that'll be the end of it for this year.  We found that one of the roof vents got cracked, and that needs to be replaced and some of the caulking on the top of the RV is leaking, so that needs to be fixed.... nothing major, just a few minor repairs.

A lot has happened in a short period of time.  We have decided that once the concrete goes in, which is supposed to be this week, we are going to wait until spring to do the framing.

More adventures....


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