Sunday, November 20, 2016


I know the title sounds a little weird, but, if you read the blog, you'll understand.... giggle.

Jim and I planned one final trip to Manzanita this year...we planned on leaving Saturday morning, early, and take a load of building supplies down and store them in the Conex.

Well, after we got up at 10:00 am, and puttered around the house for a while (Cheri puttered, Jim worked. . . .), we got into the truck, drove over to storage and loaded the trailer and the back of the pick up...We decided to take sheets of insulation, a set of metal shelves, electrical boxes, Tyvex, a sonotube and some nails, and just miscellaneous stuff..

Jim dug through the largest storage building that we have, and started pulling out the insulation and loading it on to the trailer.  I straightened out the insulation on the trailer and loaded stuff into the nooks and crannies...

On our way to to Panguitch, Jim says that the first thing that he's going to do when he gets to the hotel is take a shower, because the itching from the insulation is just about driving him crazy... I figure that it's a good idea.  I didn't have this problem because I didn't have too much contact.

We get into Panguitch and decide that we are going to have dinner at the Gem theater - our usual weekend haunt.. We pull up to the cafe, and the windows are papered over and there's a sign on the window... it closed.  Sad face... So, we drove over to what we call "C-Span" (it's actually a pizza place called C-Stop) and have pizza and salad and it really was terrific.

Because of the little "mouse" in the room the week before, we decide to make a stop at the Dollar Store in Panguitch and get cookies and snacks.. Jim is wandering around and he found these cookies that neither one of us had seen for like 50 years.. They're that vanilla cookie with the little dot of mystery sticky, thick, strawberry/raspberry jelly in the center.  Had to buy them... yep.. they taste the same as they did back then.. giggle.  Jim said they might have been from the same batch!

We get to the hotel room, unhook the trailer, and the first thing Jim does is shower.... we then get on a "Lisa Ling" marathon - I think I watched about 6 episodes, and it ended with me texting Brad, our son/drug councilor asking, "What's Molly?"  He didn't text back, but I got a telephone call immediately after from Brad warning us not to touch the stuff, it was a really bad drug..... Giggle...  Nice to get the kids all concerned every once in a while..  Lisa Ling was reporting about it.

We got up this morning, and just couldn't get moving...  We slept in, and it really felt nice.  I got up and got dressed and got breakfast from the lobby and ate it in the hotel room... We're sitting on the side of the beds and I look down, and see that Jim's cheese omelette sandwich had somehow dripped onto his foot and it looked like a little happy face... giggle..

We got down to the property a little late, but started to unload the insulation. Now, I don't have a whole lot of experience with insulation, but I sure got a lesson today.  There were at least a thousand sheets (actually 23) in the trailer, two inches thick. My job was to get them out of the trailer and take them over to the edge of the conex where Jim would take each sheet from me, and stack it back in the corner of the conex...  I swear, each of those sheets weigh 500 pounds...It took us about an hour to unload the trailer, both of us sweating profusely, and yep... itching... I was carrying each piece under my left arm so my arm and the left side of my body was in full contact through my hoodie and blouse... strange sensation - like itch and scratch and little needles all together...Not my favorite job.

There was quite a lot done on the basement this week.. The cement floor was poured.
That's our on-site plans in the black tube, in the dirt at the bottom of the picture.

The forms for the walls are going up.  We were thinking the contractor had said that they were going to pour the walls on Saturday, but that didn't happen.  I expect it will happen this week, if it doesn't snow any more.

Jim had to be the first one to park in the garage.

On the way home, with all the sweating and work that we had done, my makeup is burning my eyes.  We didn't have papertowels or kleenex or anything in the car, so what do I do... pull my shirt and wipe my eyes with the front of my tshirt... you know, the t-shirt with the fiberglass insulation on the front... yep... about a second later, my face and eyes start to burn, and I've got nothing to wipe it off with... not a good idea... it was one of those "dur" moments..

In the meantime, our amazing adventure ends with... scratch, scratch... giggle, I need a shower. . . .


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