Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Well, last week we failed the rebar test and they had to come back out and reinspect... Jim worked like a crazy man on Sunday evening and Monday morning, to get the plans red lined WITHOUT a fireplace, and sent them to Kane County Building inspectors to approval.  I called the inspectors office early Monday morning and told them it was coming and explained what we were doing, and I hoped the message got passed along.

Well, it did!  The rebar inspection was approved and guess what.....  footings, foundation and basement floor in a mono-block was poured today!  So freakin' exciting!!!

The concrete has to cure/harden for three days before the walls can be poured.  During that three days, it has to stay reasonably warm when it dries, and we have a cold front coming in on Thursday, so we're a little on the nervous side of life...Saturday, if all dries and cures properly, the walls will be poured.  It's supposed to warm up a little on Saturday through the next Wednesday, so we are hoping for the best.

Another amazing adventure.  And we didn't even get to put our names in it!  Hope the deer don't come along to inspect.


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