Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Up On The Roof.....!

Big week, and we hit another milestone!

The roofing was scheduled to be installed on Tuesday, and on Monday, Jim was talking to Kane County Building Inspection, and we were scheduled for a structure inspection on Tuesday also.

On Monday, we got pictures from our contractor, they started the roofing, and actually finished it on Tuesday.. We were stoked.

Jim took off work and at 6:30 am was on the road to the cabin - the inspection was supposed to be between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm...

He made it to the property in time, and we passed inspection.. there was 4 little minor items, but, they were fixed before the inspector left.  Then today Jim got a phone call from the building inspector, Barbara and she raised an issue about the overhang not being supported in the corners.  So we have to find something like a structural corner bracket that will hold up the corners of the roof.  Really people? ? ?  See the corners?  They want them supported.  Bleh.  I see a Google search coming.

The contractor was doing a little finish work, like cutting out the wood that was covering windows, and bits and pieces of things like that...

Jim took another load of windows to the cabin, and we will be having them installed in the next couple of weeks.

What an adventure this has been...  we are looking forward to finishing and having visitors!  But we know we still have a long way to go.

Having a serious hard work adventure.

Cheri and Jim

Sunday, August 27, 2017


Do you remember that little song that we used to sing to our kids...

"In a cottage, in a wood
A little man at the window stood
Saw a little bunny hopping by
Knocking at the door..."

We got to the cabin on Saturday afternoon, and after seeing jackrabbits, and deer, and skunks, and chipmunks, and squirrels, this is the only song that I could think of.. giggle. I sang it to Jim, and he looked at me like I was crazy.  When we got there the framer had erected the main 8 inch wood column in the center of the cabin that supports the ridge beam.  It is 22 1/2 feet tall.

It wasn't a particularly busy week at the cabin for building, but it sure was busy for us this weekend. Saturday was more of a drive down to the property kind of day, than a work day... and, that's ok.  I took a picture of downtown Panguitch on a Saturday night, because it just made me smile.  Real busy, no?

Being that Jim and I both grew up in a bigger city (Jim from Etobicoke, Ontario which is the suburbs of Toronto, and I grew up about 20 miles outside of Toronto), we are used to more of a hustle and bustle, than the gentle quiet that Panguitch offers.  Jim revels in the quiet of the cabin... I turn the radio on..I just have to have a serving of Ann Murray instrumentals from  the local radio station.... not.

Again, we are trying to empty out the storage buildings, and that was our main goal.  Jim loaded another trailer full of cabin stuff, and we took it down to the cabin and put it in the basement.  One of the things that we took down was the sliding door for the kitchen in the basement.  We ran out of time, so Jim didn't get it installed - that'll be next time.

Jim started measuring for the stairs...

He just looked confused.  LOL.Now 36 degrees down and a 7 1/2 inch drop. . . 

We took a drive to  Duck Creek Sunday afternoon because they have the exact set of stairs that we want.  So, we went by, and Jim measured the stairs, and I took lots of pictures for reference.

When we were leaving the property to go to Duck Creek, we were greeted by this little sweetheart... She didn't seem to mind that we were staring at her and taking picture.

But, windows got measured and the spaces where stairs are going to go got measured.  Jim learned after going up and down a particularly tall ladder, that when he explained something to me, didn't translate into my brain very well.. let's just say, he's patient... very, very patient.

He doesn't like heights.  Small wonder.

The roofing materials were delivered on Thursday and we are anticipating the roof to go on this coming Tuesday.  So exciting.

We made a quick trip to our storage in Panguitch, and picked up a load of building materials from there also.  Slowly, but surely, we are emptying them out.

Here's one of my favourite spots - the bay window... Jim says he's going to build in a bench here.

And, this big gaping hole is where the patio and the Jacuzzi are going to be...

We got out of Panguitch a little on the late side, and the sun was just starting to set.  As we were driving down the mountain, we were greeted by two bucks, and two mama deer, each with two fawns, and a plethora of random deer just enjoying the sunset.  Actually, they were enjoying dinner, but it sounds better and sort of romantic that they were enjoying the sunset with us....

We're loving our adventure.

Jim and Cheri

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Uhuh.... Oh Ya!

We didn't go down to the property this weekend... instead, we spent the night with two crazy little grand daughters in their tent trailer, in the back yard...  We had a little stay-cation, and had a blast... Brad was super to put up with us and put it up and pull it down when we were finished.


... a whole lot of activity was going on at the cabin...

We heard on Friday, the framing is finished!  Can't wait to see it in person.

The bay window, on the far left, above the garage, has been covered with sheeting and we'll open it up to put the windows in...  The same goes for the windows on the front (below).  The big spaces are french doors, and between them, and to each side of them, are windows... they've been sheeted over also...

The overhang on the roof was an engineering feat that Travis, the framer put together.  I think it turned out fabulous.  I'm almost tempted to put brackets on the corners to look like they're holding it up.  Haven't really decided yet.

It seems kinda strange.  A chapter is finished, like graduating from college.  You just stop doing what you were doing and now you're off to do something else.  We've waited so long for this, it almost seems like a dream that it's come this far... Cheri, don't pinch me!

Next will come Tyvek, and windows, metal roofing, maybe siding and seal it up for the winter.

What an amazing adventure.

Cheri & Jim.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Well, another weekend has come and gone, and a lot of work was completed on the project...

Our newest project is to get all the building materials out of our four storage buildings, and get them into the conex to be used in the building process.  Our goal is to close down two of the storage buildings this year... So, Saturday, we started loading the trailer with windows and doors etc and started out drive down to Kane County.

The heat was intense as we were loading the trailer, and after just about having heat stroke, or almost being stung by wasps, we got out on the road.  We pulled into Panguitch at about 9:00 pm and decided to have a little dinner at the C-Stop - that's the local pizza place.  We walked in the door, and the staff took a moment to say, "Hello Cheri" or "Hey, Mrs. Streeter"... and immediately got us a table.. I was like.. um... somewhere in the last couple of years, I became a local.. Actually, it was kinda nice.

We got to the property and of course, it was pitch dark... It had rained earlier in the day, and the sky was this inky black/blue colour, no moon, and there was thousands of stars that seemed to be just at my finger tips....It was the most incredible thing ever...  Jim got out of the truck first, and he had told me to get out and just look at the sky...  and it was absolutely incredible.  I have never seen such beautiful stars ever... So bright, so many, and they looked so close.  I am glad that I had the opportunity to see them...  And there looming in the darkness was a house, a real house.  This was the first time we saw it live and not via texted photos.  There it was.  Strange kind of feeling.  It's ours.

We got up Sunday morning, and started unloading the trailer....  We were supposed to meet with our contractor, but he was running a little late, so we headed into Panguitch where we picked up a 2nd load of building materials, and drove back... Got them unloaded, and it was, at that point, about time to go home.

The cabin is coming along fabulously.
The dormer in the loft is up as is the loft!  Not all  the roof joists are in place, but 90% are.

Got the first chance to climb up into the loft via step ladder.  It has the most wonderful view from the bathroom window.

Looking to the west you see this.  Our lower driveway.

The work going on in the main living room looks chaotic.  You can see they are working on the main central 8 inch square column that supports the ridge beam.

The views just keep getting better and better.  This is what everything looks like from the loft.
This is what we'll see out the french doors in the living room.  It is so quiet up at the cabin, it's unreal.

We took the furnace up and set it in the basement along with more windows and doors.

It was a lot of lifting and hard work, but you might say it was another weekend - grand adventure.

Cheri & Jim 

Friday, August 4, 2017

Our House, is a VERY VERY VERY Fine House...

It's been a super stressful week - so much going on, and when thinking about what to call this entry in the blog, the only thing that came to mind is the song by Crosby, Stills and Nash... Our House...  ( I know, it's a stretch)...

Aside from all the drama of this week, we have had amazing things go on with the cabin - and I mean, amazing.  If I was describing what all was happening, I would probably say, there was this big beam that went up on the top of the house (not made from "Norwegian Wood"), and some walls and such... but, that doesn't give you much information... So, knock on wood, I will defer this next section to my dear, sweet husband, Jim.

Jim - take it away....

OK, so last weekend, we had the little "rainy day feeling" kinda day that was relaxed and very peaceful.  We took down a load in the trailer and drew some pictures on the floor.  Our framer picked up the pace on Monday and went to town.  He wasn't "standin on the corner in Winslow, Arizona" and that's for sure. . . . By Tuesday the loft floor was up.

By Wednesday half of the panoramic prow wall was up ready for that beam.  So, "Beam me Up!".

And by Friday they had put the massive header on the front wall for the ridge beam and placed the ridge beam in place.  No signs of any transparent aluminum here!

By the end of the day they had started putting up the bathroom dormer in the loft and some of the roof joists.  Pretty soon we'll be singing "Up on the Roof", but not as good a James Taylor did it.

We can now see how tall the cabin is going to be.  I'll bet "I can see for miles and miles. . .".

OK, enough fun.  It is fantastic to see our dream coming true.

Another week of adventure Cheri!

Jim & Cheri