Sunday, August 20, 2017

Uhuh.... Oh Ya!

We didn't go down to the property this weekend... instead, we spent the night with two crazy little grand daughters in their tent trailer, in the back yard...  We had a little stay-cation, and had a blast... Brad was super to put up with us and put it up and pull it down when we were finished.


... a whole lot of activity was going on at the cabin...

We heard on Friday, the framing is finished!  Can't wait to see it in person.

The bay window, on the far left, above the garage, has been covered with sheeting and we'll open it up to put the windows in...  The same goes for the windows on the front (below).  The big spaces are french doors, and between them, and to each side of them, are windows... they've been sheeted over also...

The overhang on the roof was an engineering feat that Travis, the framer put together.  I think it turned out fabulous.  I'm almost tempted to put brackets on the corners to look like they're holding it up.  Haven't really decided yet.

It seems kinda strange.  A chapter is finished, like graduating from college.  You just stop doing what you were doing and now you're off to do something else.  We've waited so long for this, it almost seems like a dream that it's come this far... Cheri, don't pinch me!

Next will come Tyvek, and windows, metal roofing, maybe siding and seal it up for the winter.

What an amazing adventure.

Cheri & Jim.

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