Sunday, August 27, 2017


Do you remember that little song that we used to sing to our kids...

"In a cottage, in a wood
A little man at the window stood
Saw a little bunny hopping by
Knocking at the door..."

We got to the cabin on Saturday afternoon, and after seeing jackrabbits, and deer, and skunks, and chipmunks, and squirrels, this is the only song that I could think of.. giggle. I sang it to Jim, and he looked at me like I was crazy.  When we got there the framer had erected the main 8 inch wood column in the center of the cabin that supports the ridge beam.  It is 22 1/2 feet tall.

It wasn't a particularly busy week at the cabin for building, but it sure was busy for us this weekend. Saturday was more of a drive down to the property kind of day, than a work day... and, that's ok.  I took a picture of downtown Panguitch on a Saturday night, because it just made me smile.  Real busy, no?

Being that Jim and I both grew up in a bigger city (Jim from Etobicoke, Ontario which is the suburbs of Toronto, and I grew up about 20 miles outside of Toronto), we are used to more of a hustle and bustle, than the gentle quiet that Panguitch offers.  Jim revels in the quiet of the cabin... I turn the radio on..I just have to have a serving of Ann Murray instrumentals from  the local radio station.... not.

Again, we are trying to empty out the storage buildings, and that was our main goal.  Jim loaded another trailer full of cabin stuff, and we took it down to the cabin and put it in the basement.  One of the things that we took down was the sliding door for the kitchen in the basement.  We ran out of time, so Jim didn't get it installed - that'll be next time.

Jim started measuring for the stairs...

He just looked confused.  LOL.Now 36 degrees down and a 7 1/2 inch drop. . . 

We took a drive to  Duck Creek Sunday afternoon because they have the exact set of stairs that we want.  So, we went by, and Jim measured the stairs, and I took lots of pictures for reference.

When we were leaving the property to go to Duck Creek, we were greeted by this little sweetheart... She didn't seem to mind that we were staring at her and taking picture.

But, windows got measured and the spaces where stairs are going to go got measured.  Jim learned after going up and down a particularly tall ladder, that when he explained something to me, didn't translate into my brain very well.. let's just say, he's patient... very, very patient.

He doesn't like heights.  Small wonder.

The roofing materials were delivered on Thursday and we are anticipating the roof to go on this coming Tuesday.  So exciting.

We made a quick trip to our storage in Panguitch, and picked up a load of building materials from there also.  Slowly, but surely, we are emptying them out.

Here's one of my favourite spots - the bay window... Jim says he's going to build in a bench here.

And, this big gaping hole is where the patio and the Jacuzzi are going to be...

We got out of Panguitch a little on the late side, and the sun was just starting to set.  As we were driving down the mountain, we were greeted by two bucks, and two mama deer, each with two fawns, and a plethora of random deer just enjoying the sunset.  Actually, they were enjoying dinner, but it sounds better and sort of romantic that they were enjoying the sunset with us....

We're loving our adventure.

Jim and Cheri

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