Sunday, August 13, 2017


Well, another weekend has come and gone, and a lot of work was completed on the project...

Our newest project is to get all the building materials out of our four storage buildings, and get them into the conex to be used in the building process.  Our goal is to close down two of the storage buildings this year... So, Saturday, we started loading the trailer with windows and doors etc and started out drive down to Kane County.

The heat was intense as we were loading the trailer, and after just about having heat stroke, or almost being stung by wasps, we got out on the road.  We pulled into Panguitch at about 9:00 pm and decided to have a little dinner at the C-Stop - that's the local pizza place.  We walked in the door, and the staff took a moment to say, "Hello Cheri" or "Hey, Mrs. Streeter"... and immediately got us a table.. I was like.. um... somewhere in the last couple of years, I became a local.. Actually, it was kinda nice.

We got to the property and of course, it was pitch dark... It had rained earlier in the day, and the sky was this inky black/blue colour, no moon, and there was thousands of stars that seemed to be just at my finger tips....It was the most incredible thing ever...  Jim got out of the truck first, and he had told me to get out and just look at the sky...  and it was absolutely incredible.  I have never seen such beautiful stars ever... So bright, so many, and they looked so close.  I am glad that I had the opportunity to see them...  And there looming in the darkness was a house, a real house.  This was the first time we saw it live and not via texted photos.  There it was.  Strange kind of feeling.  It's ours.

We got up Sunday morning, and started unloading the trailer....  We were supposed to meet with our contractor, but he was running a little late, so we headed into Panguitch where we picked up a 2nd load of building materials, and drove back... Got them unloaded, and it was, at that point, about time to go home.

The cabin is coming along fabulously.
The dormer in the loft is up as is the loft!  Not all  the roof joists are in place, but 90% are.

Got the first chance to climb up into the loft via step ladder.  It has the most wonderful view from the bathroom window.

Looking to the west you see this.  Our lower driveway.

The work going on in the main living room looks chaotic.  You can see they are working on the main central 8 inch square column that supports the ridge beam.

The views just keep getting better and better.  This is what everything looks like from the loft.
This is what we'll see out the french doors in the living room.  It is so quiet up at the cabin, it's unreal.

We took the furnace up and set it in the basement along with more windows and doors.

It was a lot of lifting and hard work, but you might say it was another weekend - grand adventure.

Cheri & Jim 


  1. So happy for you, what an incredible dream cabin!

    1. Thanks! We can't see your profile. Do we know you? We have family in AZ. Is this Teresa? Valerie? Anyways, we are having a blast doing this cabin.
