Monday, February 19, 2018


A couple of weeks ago, I was on facebook and I saw the cutest statue... had a godzilla looking figure that was either eating, or fighting off gnomes... I thought it was darling... I said at the time, that I really needed this figure for the fairy garden...  Right after my post, my friend Lynn sent me a picture of the identical statue.. in her livingroom window!  (Great minds think alike, right?).

Well, Saturday afternoon, Amazon delivers a package to my house, and we were busy on our way to Coalville to pick up a load of brick, so it sat in the livingroom until Sunday night... Sunday night, I pull out the package, open it, and... here's a little statue...  There was no card, but I knew who sent it to me... Had to be Lynn!!!  I am so stoked!  She says that we need something to protect the fairies from intruders... or gnomes, or whom ever else bothers fairies!  Thank you to Lynn, for such an amazing gift..  I am sure our fairies will appreciate being so looked after!!!

As mentioned above, we made another trip to Coalville to pick up brick.. We picked out 165 bricks and lined them up in our trailer.  We have a couple of pallet loads already in the backyard, but they are stacked, and we can't really see how they are going to look on the patio...

I think they look spectacular.. sort of like an English cobblestone road...  I have decided that I want the whole patio floor done in this brick, so we have a couple more loads to pick up... It was so clear and warm on Saturday, and it was easy to make the trip...  With the major snowstorm that hit last night, I am sure Coalville is as buried under as we in Provo are. We may have to wait a couple of months...

We've been trying to decide what the railings on the deck are going to look like...  Jim liked the all wood look, and I really want them to have some kind of wrought iron...  We are getting two wrought iron lights to go beside the front door, and I think having something like that on the railings would make the whole thing tie together nicely.  This is what I found today...We will have the same design on the bridge going over Galt's Gulch.

Jim and I have decided we both like this look, but we are going to put a piece of wrought iron between the two smaller pieces of wood...  We are both happy now...  at least I am happy, and I think maybe Jim is just appeasing me...  Either way...  We like this look..

This is going to be the next project - digging it out of storage and getting it modified for propane.  I have had this stove in storage for probably close to 20 years... I did some accounting work for a guy, and he couldn't pay me, so he traded me this stove, for my work.. At the time, I didn't know what to do with it, but loved the look... So, it has been sleeping, peacefully, in storage...  It's about to get a rude awakening, and a facelift!!!  It's going to look amazing in my kitchen!!!

Even though we can't make it to the cabin because of snow, the adventure continues...  and, it's still amazing.

Jim and Cheri

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