Monday, February 26, 2018

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it... NO!

We enjoyed a long, beautiful fall.. clear into February... then, Old Man winter realized that he had slept through a huge part of the winter, and came back at us, with a vengeance!!  We have tons of snow, and cold, cold, cold weather in Provo, and equal amount of snow and cold at the cabin.. hence - we're finally snowed out! We were going to try and make it to the cabin this next weekend.. BUT, the weatherman is predicting 6 - 10 inches of snow here on the Wasatch Front, which translates to about the same amount at the cabin...So, we're going to have to suspend that little trip for a couple of weeks.  If we could get close to the cabin, we could use the skidoos to get in, BUT, there is a mountain pass that we've crossed once in a snowstorm, and we don't choose to try that one again... nope.. not happening!

But, that hasn't stopped us... We've been preparing for the spring.. 

Our latest acquisition has been exterior lights... We have looked on different sites, and in different stores, and finally found exactly what we wanted, at the price we wanted to pay...  So, here they are:

Not a great picture, but it gives you the idea of what we wanted.. We needed 10 of these lights for beside the doors and windows on the main level...  and I truly love the look..

Jim has started the CAD work on the bridge that goes over Galt's Gulch, and the railings for the deck.  He said that he had all the information in his head, and he didn't think he needed drawings... then, it was explained to him that the pictures weren't for him... they were for ME!  Giggle.  He started the drawings this morning.  We are going to incorporate some iron work along with the wood, and I think it's going to look spectacular.

We purchased more of the wood flooring for the kitchen and livingroom this past week.  If you remember, we are mixing different colours of wood for a patchwork kind of look...  This purchase was a darker maple.  It really like the mixed up, patchwork look.

I haven't worked on my glass the past week or so...  the cold weather really bothers my shoulders and make it all but impossible to work.. But, it's getting down to the point that I'm going to have to power through the pain, and just get it done... This window needs to get finished and sent to the glass shop for insulating... grrrr..

Always an adventure...

Jim and Cheri

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